Album: Epic Discoveries - SYNC 0260

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Judgement Of The RighteousChristian LloydMid Tempo113
2Search The Stars WilxMid Tempo140
3Engulfing DarknessChristian LloydMid Tempo68
4One April DayChristian LloydMid Tempo90
5Flames RiseMichael LangleyMid Tempo120
6BeyondMichael LangleySlow120
7Tales Of The ForestMichael VickerageUp Tempo85
8Is Anyone ThereChristian LloydMid Tempo120
9Beyond StarsChristian LloydMid Tempo83
10The Looking GlassChristian LloydMid Tempo87
11Saturn's MoonChristian LloydMid Tempo70
12Edge Of WonderMichael VickerageMid Tempo130
13Beyond Stars (No Vocal)Christian LloydMid Tempo83
14Judgement Of The Righteous 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo113
15Search The Stars 60s WilxMid Tempo140
16Engulfing Darkness 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo68
17One April Day 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo90
18Flames Rise 60sMichael LangleyMid Tempo120
19Beyond 60sMichael LangleySlow120
20Tales Of The Forest 60sMichael VickerageUp Tempo85
21Is Anyone There 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo120
22Beyond Stars (No Vocal) 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo83
23Beyond Stars 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo83
24The Looking Glass 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo87
25Saturn's Moon 60sChristian LloydMid Tempo70
26Edge Of Wonder 60sMichael VickerageMid Tempo130
27Judgement Of The Righteous 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo113
28Search The Stars 30s WilxMid Tempo140
29Engulfing Darkness 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo68
30One April Day 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo90
31Flames Rise 30sMichael LangleyMid Tempo120
32Beyond 30sMichael LangleySlow120
33Tales Of The Forest 30sMichael VickerageUp Tempo85
34Is Anyone There 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo120
35Beyond Stars (No Vocal) 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo83
36Beyond Stars 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo83
37The Looking Glass 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo87
38Saturn's Moon 30sChristian LloydMid Tempo70
39Edge Of Wonder 30sMichael VickerageMid Tempo130
40Judgement Of The Righteous 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo113
41Search The Stars 15s WilxMid Tempo140
42Engulfing Darkness 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo68
43One April Day 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo90
44Flames Rise 15sMichael LangleyMid Tempo120
45Beyond 15sMichael LangleySlow120
46Tales Of The Forest 15sMichael VickerageUp Tempo85
47Is Anyone There 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo120
48Beyond Stars (No Vocal) 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo83
49Beyond Stars 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo83
50The Looking Glass 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo87
51Saturn's Moon 15sChristian LloydMid Tempo70
52Edge Of Wonder 15sMichael VickerageMid Tempo130
53Judgement Of The Righteous (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo113
54Search The Stars (sting) WilxMid Tempo140
55Engulfing Darkness (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo68
56One April Day (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo90
57Flames Rise (sting)Michael LangleyMid Tempo120
58Beyond (sting)Michael LangleySlow120
59Tales Of The Forest (sting)Michael VickerageUp Tempo85
60Is Anyone There (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo120
61Beyond Stars (No Vocal) (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo83
62Beyond Stars (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo83
63The Looking Glass (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo87
64Saturn's Moon (sting)Christian LloydMid Tempo70
65Edge Of Wonder (sting)Michael VickerageMid Tempo130