Melodii Compuse de CHRISTIAN LLOYD

267 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
3 Incantation Land Of Make Believe SYNC 0167 Orchestra,Instrumental Mid Tempo 150
15 Incantation 60s Land Of Make Believe SYNC 0167 Orchestra,Instrumental Mid Tempo 150
27 Incantation 30s Land Of Make Believe SYNC 0167 Orchestra,Instrumental Mid Tempo 150
39 Incantation 15s Land Of Make Believe SYNC 0167 Orchestra,Instrumental Mid Tempo 150
51 Incantation (sting) Land Of Make Believe SYNC 0167 Orchestra,Instrumental Mid Tempo 150
6 Forbidden City The Far East SYNC 0188 Instrumental,Drums Slow 70
24 Forbidden City 60s The Far East SYNC 0188 Instrumental,Drums Slow 70
41 Forbidden City 30s The Far East SYNC 0188 Instrumental,Drums Slow 70
58 Forbidden City 15s The Far East SYNC 0188 Instrumental,Drums Slow 70
75 Forbidden City (sting) The Far East SYNC 0188 Instrumental,Drums Slow 70
8 Autumn Chill Pure Positivity SYNC 0219 Piano,Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Drums,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 70
21 Autumn Chill 60s Pure Positivity SYNC 0219 Piano,Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Drums,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 70
33 Autumn Chill 30s Pure Positivity SYNC 0219 Piano,Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Drums,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 70
45 Autumn Chill 15s Pure Positivity SYNC 0219 Piano,Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Drums,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 70
57 Autumn Chill (sting) Pure Positivity SYNC 0219 Piano,Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Drums,Glockenspiel,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 70
8 Turning Around Spy Files SYNC 0229 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 72
18 Turning Around 60s Spy Files SYNC 0229 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 72
28 Turning Around 30s Spy Files SYNC 0229 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 72
38 Turning Around 15s Spy Files SYNC 0229 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 72
48 Turning Around (sting) Spy Files SYNC 0229 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 72
1 Finality Wonders of the World SYNC 0234 Piano,Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Mid Tempo 80
19 Finality 60s Wonders of the World SYNC 0234 Piano,Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Mid Tempo 80
36 Finality 30s Wonders of the World SYNC 0234 Piano,Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Mid Tempo 80
54 Finality 15s Wonders of the World SYNC 0234 Piano,Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Mid Tempo 80
71 Finality (sting) Wonders of the World SYNC 0234 Piano,Orchestra,Strings,Instrumental,Brass,Drums Mid Tempo 80