Versiuni alternative ale piesei "The Investigation Begins" de John Smith

Track No. Track Title Version Composer Album Album ID
11 The Investigation Begins (a) Main John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
87 The Investigation Begins (b) Underscore John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
88 The Investigation Begins (a) 60 60 Sec Edit John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
89 The Investigation Begins (b) 60 60 Sec Edit (underscore) John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
90 The Investigation Begins (a) 30 30 Sec Edit John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
91 The Investigation Begins (b) 30 30 Sec Edit (underscore) John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
92 The Investigation Begins Link 10 Sec Link John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228
93 The Investigation Begins Sting Full Sting John Smith BIG BAND HIP SCORE228