Versiuni alternative ale piesei "Hand Of Fate" de Phillip Faddoul

Track No. Track Title Version Composer Album Album ID
12 Hand Of Fate Main Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157
73 Hand Of Fate Underscore, No Top Line Melody Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157
74 Hand Of Fate Alternate, Piano Only Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157
75 Hand Of Fate Alternate, Strings Only Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157
76 Hand Of Fate Alternate, No Percussion Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157
77 Hand Of Fate Alternate, Drums, Percussion, FX Only Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157
78 Hand Of Fate 30sec Phillip Faddoul Magic & Mystery 2 ALL157