Versiuni alternative ale piesei "You'll Never Be The Same" de Sue Milnes

Track No. Track Title Version Composer Album Album ID
5 You'll Never Be The Same Main Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
55 You'll Never Be The Same Non Vocal Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
56 You'll Never Be The Same Underscore Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
57 You'll Never Be The Same 60 Sec Edit Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
58 You'll Never Be The Same 60 Sec Edit (non vocal) Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
59 You'll Never Be The Same 60 Sec Edit (underscore) Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
60 You'll Never Be The Same 30 Sec Edit Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
61 You'll Never Be The Same 30 Sec Edit (non vocal) Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
62 You'll Never Be The Same 30 Sec Edit (underscore) Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
63 You'll Never Be The Same Vocal Sting Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
64 You'll Never Be The Same Non Vocal Sting Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217
65 You'll Never Be The Same Underscore Sting Sue Milnes DANCE ANTHEMS SCORE217