Versiuni alternative ale piesei "FOLLOW THE BREEZE" de Tim Butcher

Track No. Track Title Version Composer Album Album ID
11 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (main) main Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
84 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (60) 60 Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
85 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (30) 30 Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
86 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (15) 15 Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
87 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (sting) sting Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
88 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (no percussion) no percussion Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
89 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (percussion) percussion Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176
90 FOLLOW THE BREEZE (percussion, pads) percussion, pads Tim Butcher Big Drums AD2176