Melodii Compuse de SAMUEL COOPER

85 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
2 In Ruins Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Synth Slow 122
11 Internal Conflict Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 100
15 In Ruins 60s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Synth Slow 122
24 Internal Conflict 60s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 100
27 In Ruins 30s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Synth Slow 122
36 Internal Conflict 30s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 100
39 In Ruins 15s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Synth Slow 122
48 Internal Conflict 15s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 100
51 In Ruins (sting) Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Strings,Instrumental,Synth Slow 122
62 Internal Conflict (sting) Design and Create SYNC 0094 Piano,Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass,Hand Claps Mid Tempo 100
2 Heavy Strobe Electro Pop SYNC 0163 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
18 Heavy Strobe 60s Electro Pop SYNC 0163 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
31 Heavy Strobe 30s Electro Pop SYNC 0163 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
44 Heavy Strobe 15s Electro Pop SYNC 0163 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
57 Heavy Strobe (sting) Electro Pop SYNC 0163 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth Mid Tempo 120
12 Footwork Drum 'n' Bass Meltdown SYNC 0170 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 160
28 Footwork 60s Drum 'n' Bass Meltdown SYNC 0170 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 160
41 Footwork 30s Drum 'n' Bass Meltdown SYNC 0170 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 160
54 Footwork 15s Drum 'n' Bass Meltdown SYNC 0170 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 160
67 Footwork (sting) Drum 'n' Bass Meltdown SYNC 0170 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bass Up Tempo 160
8 Futurism The Far East SYNC 0188 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bell,Bass,Vibraphone,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 75
26 Futurism 60s The Far East SYNC 0188 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bell,Bass,Vibraphone,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 75
43 Futurism 30s The Far East SYNC 0188 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bell,Bass,Vibraphone,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 75
60 Futurism 15s The Far East SYNC 0188 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bell,Bass,Vibraphone,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 75
77 Futurism (sting) The Far East SYNC 0188 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental,Synth,Bell,Bass,Vibraphone,Tuned Percussion Mid Tempo 75