Melodii Compuse de REESE SZABO

280 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation BPM
3 Stand Our Ground Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Pianos, Bass, Drums 128
4 Stand Our Ground (Background Vocals) Motivational Indie BBX296 Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Pianos, Bass, Drums 128
5 Stand Our Ground (Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Acoustic Guitar, Pianos, Bass, Drums 128
6 Bold Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Saxophone, Bass, Drums 100
7 Bold (Vocals, No Sax) Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Bass, Drums 100
8 Bold (Background Vocals) Motivational Indie BBX296 Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Saxophone, Bass, Drums 100
9 Bold (Underscore No Sax) Motivational Indie BBX296 Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Bass, Drums 100
10 Bold (Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Saxophone, Bass, Drums 100
11 Keep The Pressure Cooking Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 115
12 Keep The Pressure Cooking (Background Vocals) Motivational Indie BBX296 Backing Vocals, Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 115
13 Keep The Pressure Cooking (Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 115
24 Higher And Higher Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums 133
25 Higher And Higher (Underscore) Motivational Indie BBX296 Backing Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums 133
26 Higher And Higher (Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Guitars, Bass, Drums 133
29 Be Yourself Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 118
30 Be Yourself (Background Vocals) Motivational Indie BBX296 Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 118
31 Be Yourself (Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 118
39 Stand Our Ground (30) Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Pianos, Bass, Drums 128
40 Stand Our Ground (30 Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Acoustic Guitar, Pianos, Bass, Drums 128
41 Bold (30) Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Saxophone, Bass, Drums 100
42 Bold (30 Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitars, Piano, Strings, Saxophone, Bass, Drums 100
43 Keep The Pressure Cooking (30) Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 115
44 Keep The Pressure Cooking (30 Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Electric Guitars, Piano, Bass, Drums 115
51 Higher And Higher (30) Motivational Indie BBX296 Male Vocals, Backing Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums 133
52 Higher And Higher (30 Instrumental) Motivational Indie BBX296 Guitars, Bass, Drums 133