Melodii Compuse de PETER BRADLEY

12 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
12 Top Racket Neuro Bass ABS310CD Neuro Bass, synth, electronic drums, atmospherics, effects Fast tempo 160
11 Total Domination Neuro Bass ABS310CD Electronic drums, neuro bass, effected vocal hook, synth, effects, atmospherics, Fast tempo 160
10 Evil Eye Neuro Bass ABS310CD Effects, synth, glitches, atmospherics, brass, electronic drums, neuro bass, Slow tempo 128
9 Dub Is The Dub Neuro Bass ABS310CD Synth, effects, effected vocal hook, electronic drums, neuro bass, atmospherics Slow tempo 110
7 Monkey Business Neuro Bass ABS310CD Timpani, brass, vocal stabs, effected vocal laughs, synth, atmospherics, effects, electronic drums, neuro bass Mid tempo 145
8 Chromarella Neuro Bass ABS310CD Synth, effects, electronic drums, neuro bass, glitches, atmospherics Fast tempo 160
6 Night Mission Neuro Bass ABS310CD Impacts, atmospherics, synth, effects, electronic drums, neuro bass, Fast tempo 87
5 The Thing Neuro Bass ABS310CD Atmospherics, impacts, effects, electronic drums, neuro bass, synth, harp Fast tempo 86
4 Undergrind Neuro Bass ABS310CD Vocal stabs, neuro bass, electronic drums, synth, effects, atmospherics Fast tempo 85
3 Machine Neuro Bass ABS310CD Effected vocal hook, neuro bass, electronic drums, effects, atmospherics, synth Fast tempo 86
2 Mr Wobble Neuro Bass ABS310CD Detuned synth, effected vocal hook, neuro bass, electronic drums, synth, effects, Slow tempo 160
1 The Horror Neuro Bass ABS310CD Brass, strings, harpsichord, acoustic snares, acoustic bass drums, electronic drums, neuro bass, synth, choir, effects, atmospherics Slow tempo 87