23 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
4 Life In Pictures Arthouse & Contemporary Classical SYNC 0353 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 42
15 Life In Pictures 60s Arthouse & Contemporary Classical SYNC 0353 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 42
26 Life In Pictures 30s Arthouse & Contemporary Classical SYNC 0353 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 42
37 Life In Pictures 15s Arthouse & Contemporary Classical SYNC 0353 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 42
48 Life In Pictures (sting) Arthouse & Contemporary Classical SYNC 0353 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Slow 42
8 Animal Discovery Global Travel SYNC 0376 Female Vocal,Drums Up Tempo 120
41 Animal Discovery 60s Global Travel SYNC 0376 Female Vocal,Drums Up Tempo 120
61 Animal Discovery 30s Global Travel SYNC 0376 Female Vocal,Drums Up Tempo 120
81 Animal Discovery (sting) Global Travel SYNC 0376 Female Vocal,Drums Up Tempo 120
19 Time To Let Go Atmospheric Piano SYNC 0381 Piano,Solo Piano Slow 45
40 Time To Let Go 60s Atmospheric Piano SYNC 0381 Piano,Solo Piano Slow 45
60 Time To Let Go 30s Atmospheric Piano SYNC 0381 Piano,Solo Piano Slow 45
80 Time To Let Go (sting) Atmospheric Piano SYNC 0381 Piano,Solo Piano Slow 45
2 On The Rooftop Uplifting Rock And Indie SYNC 0393 Electric Guitar,Synth,Drums,Guitar,Electric Piano Mid Tempo 125
29 On The Rooftop 60s Uplifting Rock And Indie SYNC 0393 Electric Guitar,Synth,Drums,Guitar,Electric Piano Mid Tempo 125
44 On The Rooftop 30s Uplifting Rock And Indie SYNC 0393 Electric Guitar,Synth,Drums,Guitar,Electric Piano Mid Tempo 125
59 On The Rooftop 15s Uplifting Rock And Indie SYNC 0393 Electric Guitar,Synth,Drums,Guitar,Electric Piano Mid Tempo 125
74 On The Rooftop (sting) Uplifting Rock And Indie SYNC 0393 Electric Guitar,Synth,Drums,Guitar,Electric Piano Mid Tempo 125
5 Helicopter Flight Landscapes And Cityscapes SYNC 0405 Synth Up Tempo 120
27 Helicopter Flight 60s Landscapes And Cityscapes SYNC 0405 Synth Up Tempo 120
42 Helicopter Flight 30s Landscapes And Cityscapes SYNC 0405 Synth Up Tempo 120
57 Helicopter Flight 15s Landscapes And Cityscapes SYNC 0405 Synth Up Tempo 120
72 Helicopter Flight (sting) Landscapes And Cityscapes SYNC 0405 Synth Up Tempo 120