Melodii Compuse de LARA INGROSSO

9 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
12 Envision The Notes Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Cello,Theremin,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 52
39 Envision The Notes 60s Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Cello,Theremin,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 52
57 Envision The Notes 30s Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Cello,Theremin,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 52
75 Envision The Notes (sting) Frights And Chills SYNC 0394 Strings,Instrumental,Synth,Cello,Theremin,Sound FX,Violin Mid Tempo 52
7 The Castle Contemporary Orchestral Emotions SYNC 0423 Strings,Instrumental,Cello,Drums,Violin Up Tempo 180
35 The Castle 60s Contemporary Orchestral Emotions SYNC 0423 Strings,Instrumental,Cello,Drums,Violin Up Tempo 180
48 The Castle 30s Contemporary Orchestral Emotions SYNC 0423 Strings,Instrumental,Cello,Drums,Violin Up Tempo 180
61 The Castle 15s Contemporary Orchestral Emotions SYNC 0423 Strings,Instrumental,Cello,Drums,Violin Up Tempo 180
74 The Castle (sting) Contemporary Orchestral Emotions SYNC 0423 Strings,Instrumental,Cello,Drums,Violin Up Tempo 180