Melodii Compuse de GARETH DAVIES

204 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
8 Secret Service Crime and Investigation SYNC 0014 Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Bass Mid Tempo 110
22 Secret Service 60s Crime and Investigation SYNC 0014 Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Bass Mid Tempo 110
35 Secret Service 30s Crime and Investigation SYNC 0014 Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Bass Mid Tempo 110
48 Secret Service 15s Crime and Investigation SYNC 0014 Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Bass Mid Tempo 110
61 Secret Service (sting) Crime and Investigation SYNC 0014 Strings,Beats,Instrumental,Bass Mid Tempo 110
11 Oceans Apart Pure Chill Out SYNC 0063 Organ,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Electric Guitar,Instrumental Slow 70
24 Oceans Apart 60s Pure Chill Out SYNC 0063 Organ,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Electric Guitar,Instrumental Slow 70
37 Oceans Apart 30s Pure Chill Out SYNC 0063 Organ,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Electric Guitar,Instrumental Slow 70
49 Oceans Apart 15s Pure Chill Out SYNC 0063 Organ,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Electric Guitar,Instrumental Slow 70
61 Oceans Apart (sting) Pure Chill Out SYNC 0063 Organ,Electronic,Strings,Percussion,Electric Guitar,Instrumental Slow 70
9 Blockscape Design and Create SYNC 0094 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
22 Blockscape 60s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
34 Blockscape 30s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
46 Blockscape 15s Design and Create SYNC 0094 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
60 Blockscape (sting) Design and Create SYNC 0094 Electronic,Beats,Instrumental Mid Tempo 100
8 Mystic Blue Deluxe and Prestige SYNC 0123 Orchestra,Instrumental,Whistle,Tin Whistle Mid Tempo 140
20 Mystic Blue 60s Deluxe and Prestige SYNC 0123 Orchestra,Instrumental,Whistle,Tin Whistle Mid Tempo 140
32 Mystic Blue 30s Deluxe and Prestige SYNC 0123 Orchestra,Instrumental,Whistle,Tin Whistle Mid Tempo 140
44 Mystic Blue 15s Deluxe and Prestige SYNC 0123 Orchestra,Instrumental,Whistle,Tin Whistle Mid Tempo 140
57 Mystic Blue (sting) Deluxe and Prestige SYNC 0123 Orchestra,Instrumental,Whistle,Tin Whistle Mid Tempo 140
6 Heads Or Tails Indie Pop and Rock SYNC 0128 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 105
18 Heads Or Tails 60s Indie Pop and Rock SYNC 0128 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 105
30 Heads Or Tails 30s Indie Pop and Rock SYNC 0128 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 105
42 Heads Or Tails 15s Indie Pop and Rock SYNC 0128 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 105
54 Heads Or Tails (sting) Indie Pop and Rock SYNC 0128 Electric Guitar,Instrumental,Bass Guitar,Drums Up Tempo 105