13 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo
1 Dystopic Winter STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Orchestral Drums , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
2 Alarming Outbreak STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Orchestral Drums , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
7 Engage The Machine STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Orchestral Drums , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
10 Time Warp STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Orchestral Drums , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
13 Dystopic Winter STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
14 Dystopic Winter STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
15 Alarming Outbreak STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
16 Alarming Outbreak STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
17 Alarming Outbreak STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
26 Engage The Machine STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
27 Engage The Machine STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
32 Time Warp STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo
33 Time Warp STYE 508 - Investigative Minds Vol.2 STYE508 Drone , Pad , Synth , FX Slow , Mid Tempo