105 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
2 Across the Water IMAGINARY WORLDS SMI0383 Synthesizer, Keyboards, Beats, Piano Medium Slow 66
23 Across the Water IMAGINARY WORLDS SMI0383 Synthesizer, Keyboards, Beats, Piano Medium Slow 66
44 Across the Water IMAGINARY WORLDS SMI0383 Synthesizer, Keyboards, Beats, Piano Medium Slow 66
4 Dark Gene LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Drums Slow 51
10 Inception LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Synth Drums Slow 61
13 Life Ambient LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Piano, Drums Medium 82
27 Dark Gene LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Drums Slow 51
33 Inception LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Synth Drums Slow 61
36 Life Ambient LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Piano, Drums Medium 82
50 Dark Gene LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Drums Slow 51
56 Inception LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Synth Drums Slow 61
59 Life Ambient LIFE SCIENCES SMI0385 Synthesizer, Piano, Drums Medium 82
3 Burning Rubber TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Synthesizer, Drums Fast 130
6 Flaming Tyres TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drum Kit Medium Fast 111
8 Get Up And Go (instrumental) TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Electric Bass Very Fast 167
9 Get Up And Go TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Electric Bass, Male Lead Vocals Very Fast 167
12 Overload TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drums Very Fast 175
14 Race to the Finish TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drums Fast 135
17 Soul Driver TOP GEAR SMI0386 Keyboards, Piano, Drum Kit Medium 81
18 Spark TOP GEAR SMI0386 Keyboards, Synthesizer, Piano, Vocal oohs Medium Slow 65
20 Sports Headline TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drums, Horns Fast 157
22 Vitesse TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drums Medium Fast 125
25 Burning Rubber TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Synthesizer, Drums Fast 130
28 Flaming Tyres TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drum Kit Medium Fast 111
30 Get Up And Go (instrumental) TOP GEAR SMI0386 Electric Guitar, Drum Kit, Electric Bass Very Fast 167