Melodii Compuse de DALE SUMNER

897 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
6 Super Nova Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Female Vocal Mid Tempo 108
12 The Spell Is Cast Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Flute,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Violin Slow 60
18 Super Nova 60s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Female Vocal Mid Tempo 108
24 The Spell Is Cast 60s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Flute,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Violin Slow 60
30 Super Nova 30s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Female Vocal Mid Tempo 108
36 The Spell Is Cast 30s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Flute,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Violin Slow 60
42 Super Nova 15s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Female Vocal Mid Tempo 108
48 The Spell Is Cast 15s Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Flute,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Violin Slow 60
54 Super Nova (sting) Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Female Vocal Mid Tempo 108
60 The Spell Is Cast (sting) Ambient Soundscapes SYNC 0004 Electronic,Strings,Flute,Harp,Instrumental,Synth,Violin Slow 60
2 Dream of Nefertiti Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Strings,Instrumental Slow 60
3 Hieroglyphs Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Electronic,Strings,Drum,Instrumental,Pungi,Swarmandal Slow 65
4 Pyramid Dance Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Percussion,Instrumental,Chimes,Sitar,Bansuri Mid Tempo 80
5 Highland Dreaming Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Female Vocal,Flute,Bell Slow 95
7 Jasmine Ceremony Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Instrumental,Drums,Chimes,Sitar,Swarmandal Mid Tempo 81
8 Karnak Temple Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Electronic,Vocals,Drum,Sitar,Chanting Slow 68
9 Maps and Legends Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Instrumental,Chimes,Pungi,Swarmandal Slow 70
11 On The Wind Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Electronic,Instrumental,Pungi Slow 57
12 Osiris Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Electronic,Flute,Vocals Slow 60
17 Dream of Nefertiti 60s Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Strings,Instrumental Slow 60
18 Hieroglyphs 60s Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Electronic,Strings,Drum,Instrumental,Pungi,Swarmandal Slow 65
19 Pyramid Dance 60s Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Percussion,Instrumental,Chimes,Sitar,Bansuri Mid Tempo 80
20 Highland Dreaming 60s Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Female Vocal,Flute,Bell Slow 95
22 Jasmine Ceremony 60s Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Instrumental,Drums,Chimes,Sitar,Swarmandal Mid Tempo 81
23 Karnak Temple 60s Ancient Cultures SYNC 0005 Electronic,Vocals,Drum,Sitar,Chanting Slow 68