Melodii Compuse de CHRISTINA ZOINA

101 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
12 Yay Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase, Lyrics Fast 132
23 Yay 60 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase, Lyrics Fast 132
34 Yay 30 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase, Lyrics Fast 132
53 Yay Link 1 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar Fast 132
54 Yay Link 2 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase Fast 132
55 Yay Link 3 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase Fast 132
56 Yay Link 4 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase Fast 132
57 Yay Link 5 Celebration 1 SCORE-100 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Percussion, Vocal Phrase Fast 132
1 New World Anthem Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, French Horns, Bass Guitar, Drums Medium 58
2 The Journey (a) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocal Background Medium Fast 116
3 The Journey (b) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocal Background Medium Fast 116
4 Arrival Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings Slow 62
5 Venture Capital Aspiration SCORE-095 Brass, Strings, Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Bass Guitar, Drums Fast 123
6 Inner Strength Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Electric Guitar, Strings, Cello, Electronic Instruments, Bass Guitar, Drums Medium Slow 72
7 Into The Light (a) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Electric Guitar, Strings, Percussion, Electronic Instruments Medium Slow 72
8 Into The Light (b) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Electric Guitar, Strings, Percussion, Electronic Instruments Medium Slow 72
9 Path To Success Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Harp, Electric Guitar, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums Fast 122
10 To Victory Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, Electronic Instruments, Percussion, French Horns Medium Slow 75
11 Day Of Awakening (a) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Harp, Strings, Percussion, Electronic Instruments Fast 130
12 Day Of Awakening (b) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Harp, Strings, Percussion, Electronic Instruments Fast 130
13 New World Anthem 60 Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, French Horns, Bass Guitar, Drums Medium 58
14 The Journey (a) 60 Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocal Background Medium Fast 116
15 The Journey (b) 60 Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings, Bass Guitar, Drums, Vocal Background Medium Fast 116
16 Arrival 60 (a) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings Slow 62
17 Arrival 60 (b) Aspiration SCORE-095 Piano, Strings Slow 62