Melodii Compuse de ARTHUR GALLON

40 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID. Instrumentation Tempo BPM
11 For One Another History and Heritage SYNC 0101 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Violin Mid Tempo 82
23 For One Another 60s History and Heritage SYNC 0101 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Violin Mid Tempo 82
34 For One Another 30s History and Heritage SYNC 0101 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Violin Mid Tempo 82
45 For One Another 15s History and Heritage SYNC 0101 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Violin Mid Tempo 82
57 For One Another (sting) History and Heritage SYNC 0101 Orchestra,Instrumental,Brass,Violin Mid Tempo 82
8 English Rose Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Harp,Instrumental,Violin Mid Tempo 64
20 English Rose 60s Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Harp,Instrumental,Violin Mid Tempo 64
32 English Rose 30s Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Harp,Instrumental,Violin Mid Tempo 64
44 English Rose 15s Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Harp,Instrumental,Violin Mid Tempo 64
56 English Rose (sting) Homes and Heritage SYNC 0153 Piano,Harp,Instrumental,Violin Mid Tempo 64
3 Under the Table Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Piano,Instrumental Slow 54
5 Hush Hush Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Strings,Harp,Instrumental Mid Tempo 110
15 Under the Table 60s Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Piano,Instrumental Slow 54
17 Hush Hush 60s Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Strings,Harp,Instrumental Mid Tempo 110
27 Under the Table 30s Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Piano,Instrumental Slow 54
29 Hush Hush 30s Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Strings,Harp,Instrumental Mid Tempo 110
39 Under the Table 15s Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Piano,Instrumental Slow 54
41 Hush Hush 15s Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Strings,Harp,Instrumental Mid Tempo 110
51 Under the Table (sting) Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Piano,Instrumental Slow 54
53 Hush Hush (sting) Rom-Com SYNC 0208 Strings,Harp,Instrumental Mid Tempo 110
11 The Centaur Life Portraits SYNC 0222 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 130
12 Return From Glory Life Portraits SYNC 0222 Piano,Instrumental,Violin Slow 54
23 The Centaur 60s Life Portraits SYNC 0222 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 130
24 Return From Glory 60s Life Portraits SYNC 0222 Piano,Instrumental,Violin Slow 54
35 The Centaur 30s Life Portraits SYNC 0222 Piano,Strings,Instrumental Mid Tempo 130