Melodii Compuse de ANGERER RUDOLF

9 songs
Track No. Track Title Album Album ID.
55 Far Away From Home Dramatic Workshop 10: The Sea SCD-203
17 SUNSET AT SEA SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
18 LONG AWAY FROM HOME SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
23 MERMAID SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
24 CROSSING THE OCEANS SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
44 SUNSET AT SEA SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
45 LONG AWAY FROM HOME SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
50 MERMAID SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132
51 CROSSING THE OCEANS SHIP AHOY - Shanties and Underscores SONV-132