Album: The Top (Grand Inspiring Hybrid Cues) - STYE1061

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Remember Us 87Bpm GbmGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
2Surpass 100Bpm EmGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
3No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
4Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
5The Top 105Bpm DGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
6We're Here 80Bpm FmGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
7Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
8Curiosity 85Bpm AGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
9Climbing The World 90Bpm GmGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
10Sky Splitter 89Bpm CGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
11Remember Us 87Bpm GbmNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
12Remember Us 87Bpm GbmUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
13Remember Us 87Bpm GbmUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
14Remember Us 87Bpm GbmAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
15Remember Us 87Bpm GbmArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
16Remember Us 87Bpm GbmBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
17Remember Us 87Bpm GbmBrass Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
18Remember Us 87Bpm GbmElectronic Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
19Remember Us 87Bpm GbmHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
20Remember Us 87Bpm GbmKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
21Remember Us 87Bpm GbmPercussion STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
22Remember Us 87Bpm GbmPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
23Remember Us 87Bpm GbmShort Woodwinds STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
24Remember Us 87Bpm GbmSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
25Remember Us 87Bpm GbmSynth Pads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
26Remember Us 87Bpm GbmTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo87
27Surpass 100Bpm EmNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
28Surpass 100Bpm EmUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
29Surpass 100Bpm EmUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
30Surpass 100Bpm EmAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
31Surpass 100Bpm EmArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
32Surpass 100Bpm EmBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
33Surpass 100Bpm EmBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
34Surpass 100Bpm EmHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
35Surpass 100Bpm EmKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
36Surpass 100Bpm EmLong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
37Surpass 100Bpm EmPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
38Surpass 100Bpm EmSpiccato Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
39Surpass 100Bpm EmSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
40Surpass 100Bpm EmTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo100
41No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
42No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
43No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
44No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
45No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
46No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
47No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
48No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
49No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmLong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
50No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
51No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmSpiccato Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
52No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
53No Matter How Far 94Bpm CmTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo94
54Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
55Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
56Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
57Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
58Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
59Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
60Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
61Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
62Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
63Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbLong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
64Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbPercussion STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
65Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
66Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbShort Brass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
67Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbSpiccato Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
68Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
69Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
70Finally A Challenge 96Bpm DbViolin STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo96
71The Top 105Bpm DNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
72The Top 105Bpm DUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
73The Top 105Bpm DUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
74The Top 105Bpm DAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
75The Top 105Bpm DArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
76The Top 105Bpm DBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
77The Top 105Bpm DBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
78The Top 105Bpm DElectronic Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
79The Top 105Bpm DHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
80The Top 105Bpm DKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
81The Top 105Bpm DLong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
82The Top 105Bpm DPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
83The Top 105Bpm DShort Brass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
84The Top 105Bpm DSpiccato Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
85The Top 105Bpm DSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
86The Top 105Bpm DTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
87The Top 105Bpm DViolins STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo105
88We're Here 80Bpm FmNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
89We're Here 80Bpm FmUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
90We're Here 80Bpm FmUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
91We're Here 80Bpm FmAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
92We're Here 80Bpm FmArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
93We're Here 80Bpm FmBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
94We're Here 80Bpm FmBrass Synth STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
95We're Here 80Bpm FmElectronic Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
96We're Here 80Bpm FmHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
97We're Here 80Bpm FmKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
98We're Here 80Bpm FmPercussion STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
99We're Here 80Bpm FmPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
100We're Here 80Bpm FmSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
101We're Here 80Bpm FmSynth Pads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo80
102Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
103Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
104Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
105Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
106Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
107Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
108Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
109Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmChoir STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
110Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
111Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmLong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
112Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
113Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmSpiccato Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
114Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
115Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
116Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmViolins STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
117Won't Give Up 99Bpm DmWorld Instruments STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo99
118Curiosity 85Bpm ANo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
119Curiosity 85Bpm AUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
120Curiosity 85Bpm AUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
121Curiosity 85Bpm AAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
122Curiosity 85Bpm AArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
123Curiosity 85Bpm ABass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
124Curiosity 85Bpm ABrass Synth STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
125Curiosity 85Bpm AElectronic Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
126Curiosity 85Bpm AHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
127Curiosity 85Bpm AKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
128Curiosity 85Bpm ALong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
129Curiosity 85Bpm APercussion STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
130Curiosity 85Bpm APiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
131Curiosity 85Bpm AShort Woodwinds STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
132Curiosity 85Bpm ASynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
133Curiosity 85Bpm ASynth Pads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo85
134Climbing The World 90Bpm GmNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
135Climbing The World 90Bpm GmUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
136Climbing The World 90Bpm GmUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
137Climbing The World 90Bpm GmAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
138Climbing The World 90Bpm GmArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
139Climbing The World 90Bpm GmBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
140Climbing The World 90Bpm GmBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
141Climbing The World 90Bpm GmChoir STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
142Climbing The World 90Bpm GmHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
143Climbing The World 90Bpm GmKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
144Climbing The World 90Bpm GmLong Strings STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
145Climbing The World 90Bpm GmPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
146Climbing The World 90Bpm GmSpiccato Cellos STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
147Climbing The World 90Bpm GmSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
148Climbing The World 90Bpm GmTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
149Climbing The World 90Bpm GmViolin STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
150Climbing The World 90Bpm GmWorld Instruments STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo90
151Sky Splitter 89Bpm CNo Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
152Sky Splitter 89Bpm CUnderscore MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
153Sky Splitter 89Bpm CUnderscore No Drums MixGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
154Sky Splitter 89Bpm CAll Other STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
155Sky Splitter 89Bpm CArp Synths STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
156Sky Splitter 89Bpm CBass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
157Sky Splitter 89Bpm CBrass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
158Sky Splitter 89Bpm CCellos STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
159Sky Splitter 89Bpm CHats & Cymbals STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
160Sky Splitter 89Bpm CKick STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
161Sky Splitter 89Bpm CPercussion STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
162Sky Splitter 89Bpm CPiano STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
163Sky Splitter 89Bpm CShort Brass STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
164Sky Splitter 89Bpm CSpiccato String STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
165Sky Splitter 89Bpm CSynth Leads STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
166Sky Splitter 89Bpm CTrailer Drums STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89
167Sky Splitter 89Bpm CViolin STEMGabriel Johan David ObergMid Tempo89