Album: The Road Not Taken (Reflective Acoustic Film Score) - STYE942

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Love Unconditionally 92Bpm AEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
2Daybreak 72Bpm FEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
3The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm AEvan HodgesSlow59
4The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
5A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm AEvan HodgesSlow58
6A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FEvan HodgesSlow58
7The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DEvan HodgesSlow50
8A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbEvan HodgesSlow65
9A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FEvan HodgesSlow60
10Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
11Love Unconditionally 92Bpm AAcoustic Guitar Chords STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
12Love Unconditionally 92Bpm AArp Line STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
13Love Unconditionally 92Bpm ABass Drums STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
14Love Unconditionally 92Bpm ABass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
15Love Unconditionally 92Bpm AClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
16Love Unconditionally 92Bpm AClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
17Love Unconditionally 92Bpm ACymbals STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
18Love Unconditionally 92Bpm AStrings STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
19Love Unconditionally 92Bpm ASynth Bass STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo92
20Daybreak 72Bpm FAcoustic Guitar Alt Line STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
21Daybreak 72Bpm FAcoustic Guitar Chords STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
22Daybreak 72Bpm FBass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
23Daybreak 72Bpm FClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
24Daybreak 72Bpm FClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
25Daybreak 72Bpm FPiano STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
26Daybreak 72Bpm FStrings STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
27Daybreak 72Bpm FSynth Bass STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo72
28The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm AArp Synth Texture STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
29The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm ABass Clarinet STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
30The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm ABass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
31The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm AClarinet STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
32The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm AGuitar Chords STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
33The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm AGuitar Fingerstyle Line STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
34The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm APiano STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
35The Cool Of The Day 59Bpm ASynth Noise Texture STEMEvan HodgesSlow59
36The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmAcoustic Guitar Strum STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
37The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmArp Line STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
38The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmBass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
39The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
40The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
41The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmPiano I STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
42The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmPiano II STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
43The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmString Textures STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
44The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmStrings STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
45The Road Not Taken 86Bpm AmSynth Pads STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo86
46A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm AAcoustic Guitar Chords STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
47A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm ABass Clarinet STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
48A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm ACello STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
49A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm AClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
50A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm AClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
51A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm ALap Steel Chords STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
52A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm APiano STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
53A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm AStrings STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
54A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm ASynth Bass STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
55A Flutter Of Feelings 58Bpm ASynth Pad STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
56A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FAcoustic Guitar Strum STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
57A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FArp Line STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
58A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FBass Clarinet I STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
59A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FBass Clarinet II STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
60A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FBass STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
61A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
62A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FPiano Texture STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
63A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FStrings Pad STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
64A Hopeful Chance 58Bpm FSynth Pad STEMEvan HodgesSlow58
65The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DArp Line II STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
66The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DArp Line STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
67The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DBass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
68The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
69The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
70The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DCymbals STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
71The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DGuitar Strums STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
72The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DKick Drum STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
73The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DStrings STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
74The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DSynth Bass STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
75The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DSynth Counter Melody STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
76The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DSynth Pad II STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
77The Winds Of Change 50Bpm DSynth Pad STEMEvan HodgesSlow50
78A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbAcoustic Guitar Strum STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
79A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbBass Clarinet STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
80A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbBass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
81A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
82A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
83A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbLap Steel Chords STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
84A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbLap Steel Counter Melody STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
85A Promise Kept 65Bpm BbPiano STEMEvan HodgesSlow65
86A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FAcoustic Guitar Counter Melody STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
87A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FAcoustic Guitar STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
88A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FArp Line STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
89A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FBass STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
90A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FClarinet I STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
91A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FClarinet II STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
92A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FDrums STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
93A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FStrings STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
94A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FSynth Counter Melody STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
95A Prayer Answered 60Bpm FSynth Pads STEMEvan HodgesSlow60
96Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GAcoustic Guitar Harmonics I STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
97Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GAcoustic Guitar Harmonics II STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
98Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GAcoustic Guitar Strums STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
99Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GArp Line STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
100Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GBass Clarinet STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
101Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GBass Guitar STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
102Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GBass Guitar Texutres STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
103Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GClarinet STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
104Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GCymbals STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
105Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GLap Steel Plucking STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
106Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GLap Steel Textures STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
107Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GPiano STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
108Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GPiano Texture STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
109Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GStrings STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
110Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GSynth Bass STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
111Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GSynth Pad STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
112Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GSynth Texture STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61
113Trials And Tribulations 61Bpm GTimpani STEMEvan HodgesMid Tempo61