Album: Technospheres Vol. 1 - Jeff Newmann - SONV0265

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Star DiveMainEpping John
2Blue WindsMainNewmann Jeff
3Towards The SunMainEpping John
4Galactic SnakeMainNewmann Jeff
5MacrowavesMainEpping John
6Red ValleyMainEpping John
7Velvet SkyMainNewmann Jeff
8Glacier BayMainEpping John
9BlackbirdMainNewmann Jeff
10StratostaticMainNewmann Jeff
11Star DiveMainEpping John
12Blue WindsMainNewmann Jeff
13Towards The SunMainEpping John
14Galactic SnakeMainNewmann Jeff
15MacrowavesMainEpping John
16Red ValleyMainEpping John
17Velvet SkyMainNewmann Jeff
18Glacier BayMainEpping John
19BlackbirdMainNewmann Jeff
20StratostaticMainNewmann Jeff