Album: She Bad: Single (Sexy Trap Pop Songs) - STYE774

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
2Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm COpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
3She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmClean EditOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
4She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmInstrumentalOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
5She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmNo Main VocalsOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
6She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm Am808 STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
7She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmAdlibs STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
8She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmChorus STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
9She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmHarms STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
10She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmHats STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
11She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmKick STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
12She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmPerc STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
13She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmSampler STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
14She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmSnare and Clap STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
15She Bad (Ft. Devmo) 92Bpm AmVerse Vocals STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo92
16Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CClean VersionOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
17Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CInstrumental MixOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
18Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CNo Main Vocals MixOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
19Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm C808 STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
20Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CAdlibs STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
21Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CBackground Vocals STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
22Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CChorus STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
23Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CExtra Synth STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
24Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CFX STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
25Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CHarms STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
26Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CHats STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
27Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CKick STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
28Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CPerc STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
29Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CSampler STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
30Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CSnare and Clap STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100
31Me And My Best Friend (Ft. Devmo) 100Bpm CVerse Vocals STEMOpher YisraeliMid Tempo100