Album: People of The Fringe (Indian Chillout & Ambient Groove) - STYE735

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1A Place of Love 110Bpm FmRishad KothawalaSlow110
2As Above So Below 120Bpm CRishad KothawalaSlow120
3In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmRishad KothawalaSlow130
4Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
5Trident 70Bpm BmRishad KothawalaSlow70
6Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmRishad KothawalaSlow140
7An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmRishad KothawalaSlow80
8Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
9People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmRishad KothawalaSlow80
10White Mantra 100Bpm CmRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
11A Place of Love 110Bpm FmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaSlow110
12A Place of Love 110Bpm FmBass STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
13A Place of Love 110Bpm FmChimes STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
14A Place of Love 110Bpm FmCymbal Transition STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
15A Place of Love 110Bpm FmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
16A Place of Love 110Bpm FmFlute STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
17A Place of Love 110Bpm FmOutro FX STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
18A Place of Love 110Bpm FmSantoor STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
19A Place of Love 110Bpm FmStrings STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
20A Place of Love 110Bpm FmVocals STEMRishad KothawalaSlow110
21As Above So Below 120Bpm CChimes STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
22As Above So Below 120Bpm CCymbal Transition STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
23As Above So Below 120Bpm CDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
24As Above So Below 120Bpm CIndian Duff STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
25As Above So Below 120Bpm CPiano STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
26As Above So Below 120Bpm CSitar STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
27As Above So Below 120Bpm CToyo Bass Flute STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
28As Above So Below 120Bpm CTurkish Strings STEMRishad KothawalaSlow120
29In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmAmbient Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
30In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmCarnatic Violin STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
31In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmCymbal Transition STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
32In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmDidgeridoo STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
33In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
34In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmPiano STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
35In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmPop STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
36In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmThunder STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
37In the Corner of our Minds 130Bpm GmViolin Arp STEMRishad KothawalaSlow130
38Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
39Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmCymbal Transitions STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
40Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmHats Percussion STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
41Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmHindustani Vocals STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
42Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmIntro FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
43Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmKanjira Percussion STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
44Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmOrchestral Pads STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
45Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmPiano STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
46Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmTabla STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
47Predictions on Leaf 130Bpm CmVeena STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo130
48Trident 70Bpm BmAmbient Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
49Trident 70Bpm BmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
50Trident 70Bpm BmHits FX & Transitions STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
51Trident 70Bpm BmIndian Percussion STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
52Trident 70Bpm BmMallet Arp STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
53Trident 70Bpm BmShankha Conch STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
54Trident 70Bpm BmTabla & Dholak STEMRishad KothawalaSlow70
55Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaSlow140
56Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmAmbient Pad STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
57Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmCymbal Transition STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
58Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmDidgeridoo STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
59Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
60Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmPercussion Hats STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
61Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmPercussion STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
62Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmVeena STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
63Aquarius Rising 140Bpm FmVocals STEMRishad KothawalaSlow140
64An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaSlow80
65An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmAmbient Texture STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
66An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmBells & Chimes STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
67An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmDuduk STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
68An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmTabla STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
69An Om Vibration 80Bpm FmVocals STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
70Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
71Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmBansuri Flute STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
72Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmCymbal Transition STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
73Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
74Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmFX Intro STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
75Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmPads STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
76Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmVocals STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
77Of Gods & Starmen 90Bpm CmWhispers STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo90
78People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaSlow80
79People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmBells & Chimes STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
80People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmBooms & Hits STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
81People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
82People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmHindustani Vocals STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
83People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmIndian Esraj STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
84People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmPads STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
85People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmPercussion Pads STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
86People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmPiano Outro STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
87People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmScratch FX STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
88People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmSub Drops STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
89People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmSynth Keys STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
90People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmTablas STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
91People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmTransition FX STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
92People of the Fringe 80Bpm AmTurkish Strings STEMRishad KothawalaSlow80
93White Mantra 100Bpm CmNo Vocals MixRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
94White Mantra 100Bpm CmBansuri Flute STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
95White Mantra 100Bpm CmDrums STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
96White Mantra 100Bpm CmIntro & Outro FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
97White Mantra 100Bpm CmPads & Textures STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
98White Mantra 100Bpm CmSynth FX STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
99White Mantra 100Bpm CmTabla & Duff STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100
100White Mantra 100Bpm CmVocals STEMRishad KothawalaMid Tempo100