Album: Star Gate (Spacey Ambient Sound Beds) - STYE901

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Drifting Star 45Bpm BbOpher YisraeliSlow45
2Red Star 60Bpm COpher YisraeliSlow60
3Glowing Star 115Bpm COpher YisraeliSlow115
4Star Walk 60Bpm COpher YisraeliSlow60
5Dark Star 60Bpm CmOpher YisraeliSlow60
6Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmOpher YisraeliSlow90
7Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmOpher YisraeliSlow90
8Through The Gate 45Bpm FOpher YisraeliSlow45
9Star Gate 60Bpm COpher YisraeliSlow60
10Whistling Star 90Bpm COpher YisraeliSlow90
11Drifting Star 45Bpm BbAmbient Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
12Drifting Star 45Bpm BbBass STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
13Drifting Star 45Bpm BbCymbal Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
14Drifting Star 45Bpm BbDreamy Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
15Drifting Star 45Bpm BbDrone Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
16Drifting Star 45Bpm BbHits Sfx STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
17Drifting Star 45Bpm BbKick STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
18Drifting Star 45Bpm BbLead Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
19Drifting Star 45Bpm BbSpace Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
20Drifting Star 45Bpm BbSpace Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
21Red Star 60Bpm CAmbient Synth 2Opher YisraeliSlow60
22Red Star 60Bpm CAmbient Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
23Red Star 60Bpm CArp Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
24Red Star 60Bpm CGrainy Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
25Red Star 60Bpm CPiano STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
26Red Star 60Bpm CSpace Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
27Glowing Star 115Bpm CAmbient Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow115
28Glowing Star 115Bpm CGrainy Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow115
29Glowing Star 115Bpm COrgan Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow115
30Glowing Star 115Bpm CSpace Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow115
31Glowing Star 115Bpm CStrings Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow115
32Star Walk 60Bpm CBirds STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
33Star Walk 60Bpm CNature Sounds STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
34Star Walk 60Bpm CSynth Bass STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
35Star Walk 60Bpm CSynth Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
36Star Walk 60Bpm CSynth Flute STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
37Dark Star 60Bpm CmDrone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
38Dark Star 60Bpm CmDrums STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
39Dark Star 60Bpm CmHaunted Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
40Dark Star 60Bpm CmMS20 Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
41Dark Star 60Bpm CmSynth Bass STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
42Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmAmbient Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
43Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmDistorted Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
44Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmKick STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
45Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmLead Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
46Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmSfx STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
47Exit The Gate 90Bpm FmSpace Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
48Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmBeat STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
49Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmDreamy Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
50Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmElectric Guitar STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
51Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmKick STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
52Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmPiano STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
53Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmStrings STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
54Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmSynth Bass STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
55Starry Lake 90Bpm BbmSynth Lead STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
56Through The Gate 45Bpm FAmbient Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
57Through The Gate 45Bpm FCymbals STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
58Through The Gate 45Bpm FElectric Guitar STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
59Through The Gate 45Bpm FIndustrial Noise STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
60Through The Gate 45Bpm FKick STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
61Through The Gate 45Bpm FSub Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
62Through The Gate 45Bpm FSynth Strings STEMOpher YisraeliSlow45
63Star Gate 60Bpm CPiano STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
64Star Gate 60Bpm CSynth Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
65Star Gate 60Bpm CSynth Pad 2 STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
66Star Gate 60Bpm CSynth Pad 3 STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
67Star Gate 60Bpm CSynth Pad STEMOpher YisraeliSlow60
68Whistling Star 90Bpm CArp Synth 2 STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
69Whistling Star 90Bpm CArp Synth STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
70Whistling Star 90Bpm CSpace Bells STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
71Whistling Star 90Bpm CSpace Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
72Whistling Star 90Bpm CSynth Drone 2 STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90
73Whistling Star 90Bpm CSynth Drone STEMOpher YisraeliSlow90