Album: All That Jazz Piano - SIS0066

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Big City LightsInstrumentalPaula Lynne Auger
2Tell The StoryInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
3Lennys After HoursInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
4New Yorker BluesInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
5Meet Me At The CornerInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
6Light As A FeatherInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
7Burning BebopInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
8Funkyard BluesInstrumentalTom Erba
9Cool Daddy JazzInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
10Kitty Kat BopInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
11Martini With A TwistInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
12Cocktails For TwoInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
13Old Soft ShoeInstrumentalJames Martin Edwards
14Every Time I Think Of YouInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
15On The RivieraInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
16Cant Catch MeInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
17Best Friends ForeverInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
18One of Those ThingsInstrumentalJames Martin Edwards
19Stepping Out TonightInstrumentalJames Martin Edwards
20On The Sunny SideInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
21Broadway BoundInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
22Happy On My OwnInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary
23Midnight BlueInstrumentalThaddeus Hillary