#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1GenesiAdriano AponteMedium Slow67
2SuspiciousAdriano AponteVery Slow28
3The frontierAdriano AponteSlow52
4The machineAdriano AponteMedium Slow72
5Mystery soulAdriano AponteVery Slow44
6Chasing the old manAdriano AponteMedium Slow70
7Creepy nightAdriano AponteSlow55
8SorrowAdriano AponteSlow52
9Little hintAdriano AponteVery Slow29
10Big hintAdriano AponteMedium Slow74
11DiscoverAdriano AponteMedium Slow72
12PulseAdriano AponteMedium Slow73
13Shady businessAdriano AponteVery Slow44
14Chasing my fatherAdriano AponteMedium Fast115
15The shadowAdriano AponteSlow47
16Waiting for the endAdriano AponteSlow54
17Chasing the suspectAdriano AponteMedium84
18IntrigueAdriano AponteSlow56
19RedraftAdriano AponteSlow50
20Betrayal revealedAdriano AponteVery Slow41
21VendettaAdriano AponteMedium Slow73
22RevelationAdriano AponteMedium Slow72
23Wake up from the comaAdriano AponteSlow54
24SufferingAdriano AponteSlow50
25Little mysteryAdriano AponteMedium Slow63
26VisionAdriano AponteMedium Slow70
27AbandonedAdriano AponteSlow52
28Together againAdriano AponteMedium Slow72
29New bornAdriano AponteSlow47
30ReconciliationAdriano AponteSlow49
31Back homeAdriano AponteMedium Slow73
32FlyingAdriano AponteVery Slow44
33Forgive meAdriano AponteVery Slow39
34The final choiceAdriano AponteMedium Fast128
35The battle continuesAdriano AponteMedium Slow70