1 | Soulmood | Claudio Tuma | 110 |
2 | Vogue Living | Ivan Anthony J. Bertolla | 121 |
3 | Far away from me | Crescenzo Vitiello | 90 |
4 | Get happy | Raffaele Rinciari | 93 |
5 | Keep on move | Crescenzo Vitiello | 72 |
6 | Double rainbow | Claudio Tuma | 100 |
7 | Cool | Alessandro Porcella | 100 |
8 | Background funk | Luca Brunetti | 100 |
9 | Funk night of an american gangster | Stefano Mastronardi | 100 |
10 | I'm the night | Crescenzo Vitiello | 85 |
11 | It's so | Raffaele Rinciari | 89 |
12 | Rastaman | Claudio Tuma | 90 |
13 | Hot night | Alessandro Porcella | 90 |
14 | Divamood | Claudio Tuma | 102 |
15 | Let's go | Raffaele Rinciari | 101 |
16 | Foreigner lovers | Claudio Tuma | 100 |
17 | New generation | Raffaele Rinciari | 120 |
18 | Hollowman | Claudio Tuma | 100 |
19 | Smart | Raffaele Rinciari | 111 |
20 | Perfect night | Daniele Fortunato | 90 |
21 | Meu amor | Claudio Tuma | 102 |
22 | LP tunes | Claudio Tuma | 86 |