Album: Underscoring The Positive 2 - SCORE-092

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Beautiful Memories (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium80
2Beautiful Memories (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
3Today Is My Day (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
4Today Is My Day (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
5Becoming Stronger (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium90
6Becoming Stronger (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium90
7Wake Up And Smile (a)MainMatthew MooreFast130
8Wake Up And Smile (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreFast130
9Believe In Yourself (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium80
10Believe In Yourself (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
11Perfect Moment (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium Fast116
12Perfect Moment (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast116
13Dream A New Dream (a)MainMatthew MooreFast140
14Dream A New Dream (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreFast140
15Fresh Start (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium80
16Fresh Start (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
17Crosscurrents (a)MainMatthew MooreVery Fast190
18Crosscurrents (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreVery Fast190
19Make A Difference (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium Fast120
20Make A Difference (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast120
21Sparkle And Shine (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium Fast110
22Sparkle And Shine (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast110
23Positive Expectation (a)MainMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
24Positive Expectation (b)Alternative VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
25Beautiful Memories (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
26Today Is My Day (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
27Becoming Stronger (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium90
28Wake Up And Smile (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreFast130
29Believe In Yourself (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
30Perfect Moment (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast116
31Dream A New Dream (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreFast140
32Fresh Start (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
33Crosscurrents (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreVery Fast190
34Make A Difference (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast120
35Sparkle And Shine (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast110
36Positive Expectation (a) 6060 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
37Beautiful Memories (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
38Today Is My Day (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
39Becoming Stronger (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium90
40Wake Up And Smile (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreFast130
41Believe In Yourself (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
42Perfect Moment (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast116
43Dream A New Dream (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreFast140
44Fresh Start (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium80
45Crosscurrents (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreVery Fast190
46Make A Difference (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast120
47Sparkle And Shine (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast110
48Positive Expectation (a) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
49Positive Expectation (b) 3030 Second VersionMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
50Beautiful Memories Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
51Beautiful Memories Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
52Today Is My Day LinkLinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
53Becoming Stronger Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium90
54Becoming Stronger Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium90
55Wake Up And Smile Link 1LinkMatthew MooreFast130
56Wake Up And Smile Link 2LinkMatthew MooreFast130
57Believe In Yourself Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
58Believe In Yourself Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
59Believe In Yourself Link 3LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
60Perfect Moment Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast116
61Perfect Moment Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast116
62Dream A New Dream Link 1LinkMatthew MooreFast140
63Dream A New Dream Link 2LinkMatthew MooreFast140
64Fresh Start Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
65Fresh Start Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium80
66Crosscurrents Link 1LinkMatthew MooreVery Fast190
67Crosscurrents Link 2LinkMatthew MooreVery Fast190
68Make A Difference Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast120
69Make A Difference Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast120
70Sparkle And Shine Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast110
71Sparkle And Shine Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast110
72Positive Expectation Link 1LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast100
73Positive Expectation Link 2LinkMatthew MooreMedium Fast100