Album: Countryside Sketches 2 - SCD-840

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Country Life AMainJonathan Potts
2Country Life BGeneral_underscoreJonathan Potts
3Bucolic Frolic AMainAnna Noakes
4Bucolic Frolic BLightAnna Noakes
5Bucolic Frolic CGeneral_underscoreAnna Noakes
6Bucolic Frolic DLightAnna Noakes
7Through The TreesMainJonathan Potts
8Water Meadows AMainAnna Noakes
9Water Meadows BGeneral_underscoreAnna Noakes
10Water Meadows CGeneral_underscoreAnna Noakes
11Getting Busy AMainJonathan Potts
12Getting Busy BRythmic_underscoreJonathan Potts
13RainfallMainLee Pomeroy
14Heart-Stopping Beauty AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
15Heart-Stopping Beauty BLightJohn Charles Fiddy
16Heart-Stopping Beauty CStaticJohn Charles Fiddy
17One Drop Of WaterMainJonathan Potts
18Pastures Green AMainAnna Noakes
19Pastures Green BLightAnna Noakes
20Pastures Green CGeneral_underscoreAnna Noakes
21FarmhandsMainJohn Charles Fiddy
22Drops Of DewMainJonathan Potts
23Lazy RiverMainLee Pomeroy
24Meadow Breeze AMainJonathan Potts
25Meadow Breeze BGeneral_underscoreJonathan Potts
26Picking FlowersMainPeter Bento
27Nature LoverMainRoland Muda
28Market LifeMainJohn Charles Fiddy
29Busy Country LifeMainJohn Charles Fiddy
30Wandering WhispersMainAnna Noakes
31Country Fayre AMainAnna Noakes
32Country Fayre BLightAnna Noakes