Album: Tots & Pops 3 - SCD-768

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Peg The Piper AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
2Peg The Piper BStingJohn Charles Fiddy
3Round And Around AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
4Round And Around BBridges/commercialJohn Charles Fiddy
5Round And Around CStingJohn Charles Fiddy
6Ahoy Dear Sailor AMainPeter Willmott
7Ahoy Dear Sailor BStingPeter Willmott
8Baby Toy AMainArno Dähne
9Baby Toy BStingArno Dähne
10Baby Toy CStingArno Dähne
11Baby Toy DStingArno Dähne
12Baby Toy EStingArno Dähne
13Alpine KidsMainChristopher Widmoser
14Silly Fun AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
15Silly Fun BStingJohn Charles Fiddy
16Silly Fun CCommercial/stingJohn Charles Fiddy
17Silly Fun DBridgesJohn Charles Fiddy
18Sleepy ByesMainMartin Price
19Playtime AMainBernd Gesell
20Playtime BRythmic_underscoreBernd Gesell
21After School AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
22After School BStingJohn Charles Fiddy
23After School CBridgesJohn Charles Fiddy
24Uncle Ken AMainSimon Beson
25Uncle Ken BStingSimon Beson
26Always On The Bright Side AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
27Always On The Bright Side BStingJohn Charles Fiddy
28Always On The Bright Side CRythmic_underscoreJohn Charles Fiddy
29Timmy Tones AMainAndy Potterton
30Timmy Tones BGeneral_underscoreAndy Potterton
31Kool Kidz AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
32Kool Kidz BRythmic_underscoreJohn Charles Fiddy
33Sweet ChildrenMainMartin Price
34Carefree Willie AMainBernd Gesell
35Carefree Willie BGeneral_underscoreBernd Gesell
36Carefree Willie CRythmic_underscoreBernd Gesell
37Carefree Willie DGeneral_underscoreBernd Gesell
38Bedtime Song AMainJohn Hartley
39Bedtime Song BStingJohn Hartley
40Georgia Porgia AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
41Georgia Porgia BStingJohn Charles Fiddy
42Georgia Porgia CCommercial/stingJohn Charles Fiddy
43Kids Argh AMainMartin Price
44Kids Argh BMainMartin Price
45Heffalump Bump AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
46Heffalump Bump BBridgesJohn Charles Fiddy
47Heffalump Bump CStingJohn Charles Fiddy
48Kidz Unite AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
49Kidz Unite BCommercial/stingJohn Charles Fiddy
50Kidz Unite CGeneral_underscoreJohn Charles Fiddy
51Dreamy Afternoon AMainGrahame Maclean
52Dreamy Afternoon BStingGrahame Maclean
53Dreamy Afternoon CRythmic_underscoreGrahame Maclean
54Struttin' My Stuff AMainJohn Charles Fiddy
55Struttin' My Stuff BStingJohn Charles Fiddy
56Struttin' My Stuff CLightJohn Charles Fiddy
57Peg The PiperCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
58Round And AroundCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
59Ahoy Dear SailorCommercialPeter Willmott
60Baby ToyCommercialStephan Diez
61Baby ToyCommercialStephan Diez
62Alpine KidsCommercialChristopher Widmoser
63Silly FunCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
64Sleepy ByesCommercialMartin Price
65PlaytimeCommercialBernd Gesell
66After SchoolCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
67Uncle KenCommercialSimon Beson
68Always On The Bright SideCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
69Timmy TonesCommercialAndy Potterton
70Kool KidzCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
71Sweet ChildrenLight/commercialMartin Price
72Carefree WillieCommercialBernd Gesell
73Bedtime SongCommercialJohn Hartley
74Georgia PorgiaCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
75Kids ArghCommercialMartin Price
76Heffalump BumpCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
77Kidz UniteCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy
78Dreamy AfternoonCommercialGrahame Maclean
79Struttin' My StuffCommercialJohn Charles Fiddy