Album: American Sunday Morning - SCD-396

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitor
1Walk In The Way AMainLarry Hall
2Walk In The Way BGeneral_underscoreLindsay Tomasic
3Unclouded Day AMainRay Barnette
4Unclouded Day BGeneral_underscoreThe Sonoton Philharmonic Orche
5Praise His Name AMainRay Barnette
6Praise His Name BGeneral_underscoreRay Barnette
7Bringing In The Sheaves AMainLarry Hall
8Bringing In The Sheaves BGeneral_underscoreLarry Hall
9Sand And The Son A, TheMainLarry Hall
10Sand And The Son B, TheGeneral_underscoreLarry Hall
11Lord Most High AMainLarry Hall
12Lord Most High BGeneral_underscoreLarry Hall
13Show Me The Light AMainRay Barnette
14Show Me The Light BGeneral_underscoreRay Barnette
15Were You There AMainRay Barnette
16Were You There BGeneral_underscoreBilly Allen
17Mighty Fortress A, AMainLarry Hall
18Mighty Fortress B, AGeneral_underscoreLarry Hall
19'Tis So Sweet AMainLarry Hall
20'Tis So Sweet BGeneral_underscoreLarry Hall
21Go Tell It On The Mountain AMainJonathan Grier
22Go Tell It On The Mountain BGeneral_underscoreJonathan Grier
23Walk In The WayCommercialLarry Hall
24Unclouded DayCommercialRay Barnette
25Praise His NameCommercialRay Barnette
26Bringing In The SheavesCommercialLarry Hall
27Sand And The Son, TheCommercialLarry Hall
28Lord Most HighCommercialLarry Hall
29Show Me The LightCommercialRay Barnette
30Were You ThereCommercialRay Barnette
31Mighty Fortress, ACommercialLarry Hall
32'Tis So SweetCommercialLarry Hall
33Walk In The WayCommercialRay Barnette
34Unclouded DayCommercialRay Barnette
35Praise His NameCommercialRay Barnette
36Bringing In The SheavesCommercialLarry Hall
37Sand And The Son, TheCommercialLarry Hall
38Lord Most HighCommercialLarry Hall
39Show Me The LightCommercialRay Barnette
40Were You ThereCommercialRay Barnette
41Mighty Fortress, ACommercialLarry Hall
42'Tis So SweetCommercialLarry Hall
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