Album: CLUB ROUGE VOL. 8 - RMCD 2089

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1The New Thing Matt SanchezUp Tempo130
1The New Thing Matt SanchezUp Tempo130
2True To YourselfMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
2True To YourselfMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
3Young PassionMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
3Young PassionMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
4Holding UpMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
4Holding UpMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
5Lighting Up The SkyMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
5Lighting Up The SkyMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
6DisguisesMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
6DisguisesMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
7Passion For FashionMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
7Passion For FashionMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
8Moon WalkingMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
8Moon WalkingMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
9Only Time Will TellMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
9Only Time Will TellMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
10Passing MomentsMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
10Passing MomentsMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
11Finding Our WayMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
11Finding Our WayMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
12Love For LifeMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
12Love For LifeMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
13Two LivesMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
13Two LivesMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
14Follow The LightMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
14Follow The LightMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
15Looking For TearsMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
15Looking For TearsMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
16The New Thing - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
16The New Thing - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
17The New Thing - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
17The New Thing - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
18The New Thing - No Vocal MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
18The New Thing - No Vocal MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
19True To Yourself - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
19True To Yourself - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
20True To Yourself - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
20True To Yourself - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
21True To Yourself - No Vocals MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
21True To Yourself - No Vocals MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
22Young Passion - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
22Young Passion - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
23Young Passion - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
23Young Passion - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
24Holding Up - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
24Holding Up - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
25Holding Up - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
25Holding Up - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
26Lighting Up The Sky - Bass And Drum MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
26Lighting Up The Sky - Bass And Drum MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
27Lighting Up The Sky - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
27Lighting Up The Sky - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
28Disguises - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
28Disguises - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
29Disguises - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
29Disguises - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
30Passion For Fashion - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
30Passion For Fashion - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
31Passion For Fashion - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
31Passion For Fashion - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
32Moon Walking - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
32Moon Walking - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
33Moon Walking - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
33Moon Walking - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
34Only Time Will Tell - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
34Only Time Will Tell - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
35Passing Moments - Bass And Drum MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
35Passing Moments - Bass And Drum MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
36Passing Moments - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
36Passing Moments - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
37Finding Our Way - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
37Finding Our Way - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
38Finding Our Way - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
38Finding Our Way - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
39Love For Life - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
39Love For Life - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
40Love For Life - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
40Love For Life - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
41Two Lives - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
41Two Lives - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
42Two Lives - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
42Two Lives - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
43Follow The Light - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
43Follow The Light - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
44Follow The Light - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
44Follow The Light - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
45Looking For Tears - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
45Looking For Tears - Bass And Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
46Looking For Tears - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
46Looking For Tears - No Bass Or Drums MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
47Looking For Tears - No Vocals MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
47Looking For Tears - No Vocals MixMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
48The New Thing - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
48The New Thing - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
49True To Yourself - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
49True To Yourself - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
50Young Passion - 60 Second VersionoMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
50Young Passion - 60 Second VersionoMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
51Holding Up - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
51Holding Up - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
52Lighting Up The Sky - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
52Lighting Up The Sky - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
53Disguises - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
53Disguises - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
54Passion For Fashion - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
54Passion For Fashion - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
55Moon Walking - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
55Moon Walking - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
56Only Time Will Tell - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
56Only Time Will Tell - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
57Passing Moments - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
57Passing Moments - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
58Finding Our Way - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
58Finding Our Way - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
59Love For Life - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
59Love For Life - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
60Two Lives - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
60Two Lives - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
61Follow The Light - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
61Follow The Light - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
62Looking For Tears - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
62Looking For Tears - 60 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
63The New Thing - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
63The New Thing - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
64True To Yourself - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
64True To Yourself - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
65Young Passion - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
65Young Passion - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
66Holding Up - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
66Holding Up - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
67Lighting Up The Sky - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
67Lighting Up The Sky - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
68Disguises - 30 Second VerisonMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
68Disguises - 30 Second VerisonMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
69Passion For Fashion - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
69Passion For Fashion - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
70Moon Walking - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
70Moon Walking - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
71Only Time Will Tell - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
71Only Time Will Tell - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
72Passing Moments - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
72Passing Moments - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
73Finding Our Way - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
73Finding Our Way - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
74Love For Life - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
74Love For Life - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
75Two Lives - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
75Two Lives - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
76Follow The Light - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
76Follow The Light - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
77Looking For Tears - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
77Looking For Tears - 30 Second VersionMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
78The New Thing - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
78The New Thing - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo130
79True To Yourself - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
79True To Yourself - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo98
80Young Passion - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
80Young Passion - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo138
81Holding Up - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
81Holding Up - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo129
82Lighting Up The Sky - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
82Lighting Up The Sky - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo72
83Disguises - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
83Disguises - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo89
84Passion For Fashion - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
84Passion For Fashion - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo115
85Moon Walking - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
85Moon Walking - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo70
86Only Time Will Tell - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
86Only Time Will Tell - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo110
87Passing Moments - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
87Passing Moments - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo119
88Finding Our Way - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
88Finding Our Way - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo104
89Love For Life - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
89Love For Life - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo92
90Two Lives - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
90Two Lives - StingMatt SanchezUp Tempo111
91Follow The Light - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
91Follow The Light - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo73
92Looking For Tears - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo74
92Looking For Tears - StingMatt SanchezMid Tempo74