#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Killer InstinctJohn TonksUp Tempo68
1Killer InstinctJohn TonksUp Tempo68
2Game OnJohn TonksMid Tempo81
2Game OnJohn TonksMid Tempo81
3Competitive EdgeJohn TonksUp Tempo80
3Competitive EdgeJohn TonksUp Tempo80
4Thrill RiderJohn TonksUp Tempo83
4Thrill RiderJohn TonksUp Tempo83
5Medal TallyJohn TonksUp Tempo72
5Medal TallyJohn TonksUp Tempo72
6Rainbow NationJohn TonksUp Tempo82
6Rainbow NationJohn TonksUp Tempo82
7Sporting HighsJohn TonksUp Tempo126
7Sporting HighsJohn TonksUp Tempo126
8Aruba Arriba!John TonksUp Tempo134
8Aruba Arriba!John TonksUp Tempo134
9FireballJohn TonksMid Tempo174
9FireballJohn TonksMid Tempo174
10Come On!John TonksUp Tempo130
10Come On!John TonksUp Tempo130
11Cage FighterJohn TonksUp Tempo102
11Cage FighterJohn TonksUp Tempo102
12Rolling With The PunchesJohn TonksUp Tempo159
12Rolling With The PunchesJohn TonksUp Tempo159
13Killer Instinct - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo68
13Killer Instinct - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo68
14Game On - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo81
14Game On - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo81
15Competitive Edge - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo80
15Competitive Edge - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo80
16Thrill Rider - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo83
16Thrill Rider - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo83
17Medal Tally - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo72
17Medal Tally - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo72
18Rainbow Nation - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo82
18Rainbow Nation - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo82
19Sporting Highs - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo126
19Sporting Highs - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo126
20Aruba Arriba! - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo134
20Aruba Arriba! - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo134
21Fireball - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo174
21Fireball - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo174
22Come On! - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo130
22Come On! - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo130
23Cage Fighter - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo102
23Cage Fighter - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo102
24Rolling With The Punches - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo159
24Rolling With The Punches - 60 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo159
25Killer Instinct - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo68
25Killer Instinct - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo68
26Game On - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo81
26Game On - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo81
27Competitive Edge - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo80
27Competitive Edge - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo80
28Thrill Rider - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo83
28Thrill Rider - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo83
29Medal Tally - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo72
29Medal Tally - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo72
30Rainbow Nation - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo82
30Rainbow Nation - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo82
31Sporting Highs - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo126
31Sporting Highs - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo126
32Aruba Arriba! - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo134
32Aruba Arriba! - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo134
33Fireball - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo174
33Fireball - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksMid Tempo174
34Come On! - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo130
34Come On! - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo130
35Cage Fighter - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo102
35Cage Fighter - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo102
36Rolling With The Punches - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo159
36Rolling With The Punches - 30 Second VersionJohn TonksUp Tempo159
37Killer Instinct - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo68
37Killer Instinct - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo68
38Killer Instinct - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo68
38Killer Instinct - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo68
39Game On - StingJohn TonksMid Tempo81
39Game On - StingJohn TonksMid Tempo81
40Competitive Edge - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo80
40Competitive Edge - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo80
41Thrill Rider - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo83
41Thrill Rider - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo83
42Medal Tally - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo72
42Medal Tally - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo72
43Medal Tally - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo72
43Medal Tally - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo72
44Medal Tally - Sting 3John TonksUp Tempo72
44Medal Tally - Sting 3John TonksUp Tempo72
45Rainbow Nation - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo82
45Rainbow Nation - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo82
46Rainbow Nation - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo82
46Rainbow Nation - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo82
47Sporting Highs - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo126
47Sporting Highs - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo126
48Aruba Arriba! - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo134
48Aruba Arriba! - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo134
49Aruba Arriba! - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo134
49Aruba Arriba! - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo134
50Fireball - Sting 1John TonksMid Tempo174
50Fireball - Sting 1John TonksMid Tempo174
51Fireball - Sting 2John TonksMid Tempo174
51Fireball - Sting 2John TonksMid Tempo174
52Fireball - Sting 3John TonksMid Tempo174
52Fireball - Sting 3John TonksMid Tempo174
53Come On! - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo130
53Come On! - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo130
54Come On! - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo130
54Come On! - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo130
55Cage Fighter - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo102
55Cage Fighter - StingJohn TonksUp Tempo102
56Rolling With The Punches - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo159
56Rolling With The Punches - Sting 1John TonksUp Tempo159
57Rolling With The Punches - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo159
57Rolling With The Punches - Sting 2John TonksUp Tempo159