Album: Quirky Kitty (Comedy and Dramedy Cues) - STYE951

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Morning Glory 126Bpm AHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
2Rumour Corner 100Bpm ERolf SchildMid Tempo100
3Sweet Lies 118Bpm DHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
4Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
5Swing Thing 135Bpm AmHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
6Gossipville 106Bpm AmHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
7Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
8Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GRolf SchildMid Tempo120
9Stork Walk 110Bpm GRolf SchildMid Tempo110
10Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
11Morning Glory 126Bpm A30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
12Morning Glory 126Bpm A60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
13Morning Glory 126Bpm ANo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
14Morning Glory 126Bpm AHarp STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
15Morning Glory 126Bpm AMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
16Morning Glory 126Bpm APercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
17Morning Glory 126Bpm APiano STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
18Morning Glory 126Bpm AStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
19Morning Glory 126Bpm AWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo126
20Rumour Corner 100Bpm E30Sec MixRolf SchildMid Tempo100
21Rumour Corner 100Bpm E60Sec MixRolf SchildMid Tempo100
22Rumour Corner 100Bpm EBrass STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo100
23Rumour Corner 100Bpm EHarp STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo100
24Rumour Corner 100Bpm EHigh Strings STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo100
25Rumour Corner 100Bpm ELow Strings STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo100
26Rumour Corner 100Bpm EMallets STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo100
27Rumour Corner 100Bpm EWoodwinds STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo100
28Sweet Lies 118Bpm D30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
29Sweet Lies 118Bpm D60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
30Sweet Lies 118Bpm DNo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
31Sweet Lies 118Bpm DHarp STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
32Sweet Lies 118Bpm DMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
33Sweet Lies 118Bpm DPercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
34Sweet Lies 118Bpm DPiano STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
35Sweet Lies 118Bpm DStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
36Sweet Lies 118Bpm DWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo118
37Taste Of Deception 102Bpm Bm30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
38Taste Of Deception 102Bpm Bm60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
39Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmNo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
40Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmBrass STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
41Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
42Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmPercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
43Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
44Taste Of Deception 102Bpm BmWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo102
45Swing Thing 135Bpm Am30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
46Swing Thing 135Bpm Am60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
47Swing Thing 135Bpm AmNo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
48Swing Thing 135Bpm AmBass STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
49Swing Thing 135Bpm AmDrums STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
50Swing Thing 135Bpm AmHarp & Piano STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
51Swing Thing 135Bpm AmMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
52Swing Thing 135Bpm AmPercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
53Swing Thing 135Bpm AmStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
54Swing Thing 135Bpm AmTuba STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
55Swing Thing 135Bpm AmWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo135
56Gossipville 106Bpm Am30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
57Gossipville 106Bpm Am60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
58Gossipville 106Bpm AmNo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
59Gossipville 106Bpm AmBass STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
60Gossipville 106Bpm AmBrass STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
61Gossipville 106Bpm AmDrums STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
62Gossipville 106Bpm AmKeys STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
63Gossipville 106Bpm AmMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
64Gossipville 106Bpm AmPercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
65Gossipville 106Bpm AmStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
66Gossipville 106Bpm AmWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo106
67Inlaws Visit 134Bpm F30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
68Inlaws Visit 134Bpm F60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
69Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FNo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
70Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FBrass STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
71Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
72Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FPercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
73Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
74Inlaws Visit 134Bpm FWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo134
75Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm G30Sec MixRolf SchildMid Tempo120
76Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm G60Sec MixRolf SchildMid Tempo120
77Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GNo Drums & Percussion MixRolf SchildMid Tempo120
78Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GDrums STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo120
79Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GHigh Strings STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo120
80Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GLow Strings STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo120
81Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GMallets STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo120
82Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GPiano STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo120
83Nasty Neighbour Fence 120Bpm GWoodwinds STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo120
84Stork Walk 110Bpm G30Sec MixRolf SchildMid Tempo110
85Stork Walk 110Bpm G60Sec MixRolf SchildMid Tempo110
86Stork Walk 110Bpm GNo Drums & PercussionRolf SchildMid Tempo110
87Stork Walk 110Bpm GHigh Strings STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo110
88Stork Walk 110Bpm GLow Strings STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo110
89Stork Walk 110Bpm GMallets STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo110
90Stork Walk 110Bpm GPercussion STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo110
91Stork Walk 110Bpm GWoodwinds STEMRolf SchildMid Tempo110
92Pardon My Doll 156Bpm Bb30Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
93Pardon My Doll 156Bpm Bb60Sec MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
94Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbNo Drums & Percussion MixHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
95Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbHarp STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
96Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbMallets STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
97Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbPercussion STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
98Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbPiano STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
99Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbStrings STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156
100Pardon My Doll 156Bpm BbWoodwinds STEMHannsjoerg ScheidMid Tempo156