Album: Over The Sun (Indie Synth Psy Rock) - STYE971

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Over The Sun 134Bpm AMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
2Sagitario 150Bpm AMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
3No North 110Bpm EMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
4Black Bubbles 100Bpm GMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
5So Far From Australia 160Bpm GMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
6Over The Sun 134Bpm ADrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
7Over The Sun 134Bpm AAcoustic Guitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
8Over The Sun 134Bpm ACrash STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
9Over The Sun 134Bpm AElec Bass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
10Over The Sun 134Bpm AGuitar 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
11Over The Sun 134Bpm AGuitar 3 STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
12Over The Sun 134Bpm AGuitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
13Over The Sun 134Bpm ALead STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
14Over The Sun 134Bpm AOrgan STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
15Over The Sun 134Bpm APiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
16Over The Sun 134Bpm AShaker STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
17Over The Sun 134Bpm AStereo Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go134
18Sagitario 150Bpm ADrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
19Sagitario 150Bpm ACrash STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
20Sagitario 150Bpm AElec Bass STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
21Sagitario 150Bpm AGuitar Chords STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
22Sagitario 150Bpm AGuitar Lad STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
23Sagitario 150Bpm AGuitar Solo STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
24Sagitario 150Bpm AHat STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
25Sagitario 150Bpm AOrgan STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
26Sagitario 150Bpm APiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
27Sagitario 150Bpm ARide STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
28Sagitario 150Bpm AShaker STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
29Sagitario 150Bpm AStereo Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
30Sagitario 150Bpm ASynth L STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
31Sagitario 150Bpm ASynths STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 150
32No North 110Bpm EDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
33No North 110Bpm ECrash STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
34No North 110Bpm EElec Bass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
35No North 110Bpm EGuitar 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
36No North 110Bpm EGuitar 3 STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
37No North 110Bpm EGuitar Solo STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
38No North 110Bpm EGuitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
39No North 110Bpm EPad STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
40No North 110Bpm EPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
41No North 110Bpm EShaker STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
42No North 110Bpm EStereo Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
43No North 110Bpm ESynth STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go110
44Black Bubbles 100Bpm GDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
45Black Bubbles 100Bpm GCrash STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
46Black Bubbles 100Bpm GElec Bass STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
47Black Bubbles 100Bpm GFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
48Black Bubbles 100Bpm GGuitar 3 STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
49Black Bubbles 100Bpm GGuitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
50Black Bubbles 100Bpm GLead STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
51Black Bubbles 100Bpm GOrgan STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
52Black Bubbles 100Bpm GPad STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
53Black Bubbles 100Bpm GPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
54Black Bubbles 100Bpm GStereo Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralMid Tempo , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Go100
55So Far From Australia 160Bpm GDrums & Bass MixMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
56So Far From Australia 160Bpm GAcoustic Guitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
57So Far From Australia 160Bpm GCrash STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
58So Far From Australia 160Bpm GElec Bass STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
59So Far From Australia 160Bpm GGuitar 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
60So Far From Australia 160Bpm GGuitar 3 STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
61So Far From Australia 160Bpm GGuitar STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
62So Far From Australia 160Bpm GLead STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
63So Far From Australia 160Bpm GOrgan STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
64So Far From Australia 160Bpm GPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160
65So Far From Australia 160Bpm GStereo Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralUpbeat , Rock , Indie , Indie Rock , Retro , Psychedelic , Trippy , Surfing , Lifestyle , Feel Good 160