Album: Orphan (Haunting Children's Vocal Cues) - STYE864

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Milton Castellar CorralSlow160
2No Escape 132Bpm DmMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
3A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
4Northern Forest 120Bpm GmMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
5Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
6Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#No Vocals MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
7Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Vocals And Bass And SFX MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
8Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Bass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
9Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Brass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
10Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Choir 1 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
11Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Choir 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
12Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Drones STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
13Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#FX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
14Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Industrial Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
15Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Kick STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
16Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Percussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
17Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Reverb STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
18Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Reverb Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
19Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Strings STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
20Mad In The Light 160Bpm G#Vocal Synth STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow160
21No Escape 132Bpm DmNo Vocals MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
22No Escape 132Bpm DmVocals And Bass And SFX MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
23No Escape 132Bpm DmBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
24No Escape 132Bpm DmBrass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
25No Escape 132Bpm DmChoir 1 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
26No Escape 132Bpm DmChoir 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
27No Escape 132Bpm DmDrones STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
28No Escape 132Bpm DmFill STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
29No Escape 132Bpm DmFX 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
30No Escape 132Bpm DmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
31No Escape 132Bpm DmIndustrial Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
32No Escape 132Bpm DmKick STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
33No Escape 132Bpm DmPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
34No Escape 132Bpm DmPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
35No Escape 132Bpm DmReverb STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
36No Escape 132Bpm DmReverb Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
37No Escape 132Bpm DmStrings STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
38No Escape 132Bpm DmSynth STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow132
39A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbNo Vocal MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
40A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbVocals And Bass And SFX MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
41A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
42A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbChoir 1 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
43A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbChoir 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
44A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbCinematic Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
45A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbDrones STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
46A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
47A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbIndustrial Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
48A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbKick STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
49A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbPercussion STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
50A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
51A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbReverb STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
52A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbReverb Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
53A Quiet Room 70Bpm BbStrings STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow70
54Northern Forest 120Bpm GmNo Vocals MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
55Northern Forest 120Bpm GmVocals And Bass And SFX MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
56Northern Forest 120Bpm GmBass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
57Northern Forest 120Bpm GmChoir 1 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
58Northern Forest 120Bpm GmChoir 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
59Northern Forest 120Bpm GmCinematic Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
60Northern Forest 120Bpm GmDrones STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
61Northern Forest 120Bpm GmFX Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
62Northern Forest 120Bpm GmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
63Northern Forest 120Bpm GmIndustrial Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
64Northern Forest 120Bpm GmPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
65Northern Forest 120Bpm GmReverb STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
66Northern Forest 120Bpm GmReverb Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
67Northern Forest 120Bpm GmStrings STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow120
68Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmNo Vocals MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
69Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmVocals And Bass And SFX MixMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
70Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmBrass STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
71Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmChoir 1 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
72Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmChoir 2 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
73Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmChoir 3 STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
74Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmCinematic Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
75Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmCrash STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
76Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmFX STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
77Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmIndustrial Drums STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
78Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmKick STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
79Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmPiano STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
80Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmReverb STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
81Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmReverb Vocal STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90
82Wrong Ritual 90Bpm AmStrings STEMMilton Castellar CorralSlow90