Album: Orchestral Drama - ABS429CD

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Under PressureMainAntoon HabrakenFast tempo140
2Under Pressure - No PercussionNo PercussionAntoon HabrakenFast tempo140
3A Puzzling ParadoxMainSamuel Jordan StalderMid tempo100
4A Puzzling Paradox - No Lead MelodyAlt versionSamuel Jordan StalderMid tempo100
5BreakthroughMainRoss Baillie-EamesFast tempo144
6Breakthrough 60CutRoss Baillie-EamesFast tempo144
7The Final MissionMainJames Thomas JarvisFast tempo162
8The Final Mission 60CutJames Thomas JarvisFast tempo162
9LegacyMainRafael AbranchesMid tempo75
10Legacy 60CutRafael AbranchesMid tempo75
11LettersMainRoss Baillie-EamesFast tempo160
12Letters 60 - AlternativeCutRoss Baillie-EamesFast tempo160
13The Grand TheoryMainSamuel Jordan StalderMid tempo97
14The Grand Theory - No Lead MelodyCutSamuel Jordan StalderMid tempo97
15What's The PlanMainJames Thomas JarvisFast tempo162
16What's The Plan 60 - AlternativeCutJames Thomas JarvisFast tempo162
17ParticlesMainAntoon HabrakenMid tempo74
18Particles - No Percussion - AlternativeCutAntoon HabrakenMid tempo74