Album: Irish Strings (Live Recordings) - STYE1019

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Ballydesmond Polkas AmJoel NegusMid Tempo
2Toormore 114Bpm AJoel NegusMid Tempo114
3Kid on the Mountain 115Bpm EmJoel NegusMid Tempo115
4Silver Spear 104Bpm DJoel NegusMid Tempo104
5The Wounded Hussar 90Bpm GmJoel NegusMid Tempo90
6The Cup of Tea 86Bpm EmJoel NegusMid Tempo86
7Polly Put the Kettle On 140Bpm AJoel NegusMid Tempo140
8The Heart is True EmJoel NegusMid Tempo
9The Lark in the Morning 134Bpm GJoel NegusUpbeat134
10The Morning Dew 102Bpm EmJoel NegusMid Tempo102
11The Cup of Tea VS.2 104Bpm EmJoel NegusUpbeat104