Album: Incidentally Tense - ABS431CD

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Deception PointMainDegg NewmanSlow tempo120
2Deception Point 30CutDegg NewmanSlow tempo120
3Strange BeastsMainDegg NewmanSlow tempo80
4Strange Beasts 30CutDegg NewmanSlow tempo80
5Extraordinary GuestsMainDegg NewmanMid tempo120
6Extraordinary Guests 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo120
7Tip The BalanceMainDegg NewmanMid tempo120
8Tip the Balance 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo120
9Hide the BulldogMainDegg NewmanMid tempo90
10Hide The Bulldog 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo90
11Protocol 6MainDegg NewmanSlow tempo90
12Protocol 6 30CutDegg NewmanSlow tempo90
13Unfolding PicturesMainDegg NewmanSlow tempo80
14Unfolding Pictures 30CutDegg NewmanSlow tempo80
15Pulse Rate And StateMainDegg NewmanMid tempo90
16Pulse Rate And State 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo90
17Final Chance And DeedMainDegg NewmanMid tempo80
18Final Chance And Deed 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo80
19Define The EyesMainDegg NewmanMid tempo80
20Define The Eyes 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo80
21The Chaos And The TempleMainDegg NewmanMid tempo120
22The Chaos And The Temple 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo120
23Final MassMainDegg NewmanMid tempo90
24Final Mass 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo90
25AtlantisMainDegg NewmanMid tempo120
26Atlantis 30CutDegg NewmanMid tempo120