Album: Historical Drama (Somber Neoclassical Scores) - STYE1053

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Confused 90Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow90
2Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mAngelos BitlisSlow120
3Dreaming 110Bpm A#mAngelos BitlisSlow110
4I'm Flying DmAngelos BitlisSlow
5The Past 90Bpm CmAngelos BitlisSlow90
6Keep Trying FmAngelos BitlisSlow
7In The Sea CmAngelos BitlisSlow
8The End D#mAngelos BitlisSlow
9Start Again 110Bpm DmAngelos BitlisSlow110
10Hope 120Bpm AmAngelos BitlisSlow120
11Confused 90Bpm CmBasses Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
12Confused 90Bpm CmBell STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
13Confused 90Bpm CmBrass Arps STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
14Confused 90Bpm CmBrass Low STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
15Confused 90Bpm CmBrass Mid STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
16Confused 90Bpm CmLegato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
17Confused 90Bpm CmMid Low Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
18Confused 90Bpm CmOrganic Pads STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
19Confused 90Bpm CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
20Confused 90Bpm CmSolo Cello STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
21Confused 90Bpm CmSolo Trombone STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
22Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow120
23Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
24Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
25Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mHigh Ensemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
26Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mLow Brass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
27Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mLow Ensemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
28Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mLow Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
29Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mMid Brass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
30Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mMid High Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
31Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
32Deep Blue 120Bpm D#mVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
33Dreaming 110Bpm A#mNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow110
34Dreaming 110Bpm A#mBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
35Dreaming 110Bpm A#mBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
36Dreaming 110Bpm A#mChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
37Dreaming 110Bpm A#mEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
38Dreaming 110Bpm A#mHigh Mid Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
39Dreaming 110Bpm A#mMid Ensemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
40Dreaming 110Bpm A#mMid Low Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
41Dreaming 110Bpm A#mPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
42Dreaming 110Bpm A#mTuba STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
43Dreaming 110Bpm A#mVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
44I'm Flying DmNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow
45I'm Flying DmBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
46I'm Flying DmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
47I'm Flying DmChoir Pad STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
48I'm Flying DmLegato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
49I'm Flying DmLow Ensemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
50I'm Flying DmMid Ensemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
51I'm Flying DmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
52I'm Flying DmVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
53The Past 90Bpm CmBasses Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
54The Past 90Bpm CmCello Solo STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
55The Past 90Bpm CmCellos Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
56The Past 90Bpm CmEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
57The Past 90Bpm CmMid High Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
58The Past 90Bpm CmOrganic Atmospheres STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
59The Past 90Bpm CmPiano Arp STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
60The Past 90Bpm CmPiano Melody STEMAngelos BitlisSlow90
61Keep Trying FmNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow
62Keep Trying FmBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
63Keep Trying FmBells STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
64Keep Trying FmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
65Keep Trying FmCellos Legato STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
66Keep Trying FmCellos Solo STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
67Keep Trying FmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
68Keep Trying FmEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
69Keep Trying FmHigh Mid Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
70Keep Trying FmOboe Flute STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
71Keep Trying FmSpiccato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
72Keep Trying FmVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
73In The Sea CmNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow
74In The Sea CmBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
75In The Sea CmBells STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
76In The Sea CmCelli Violas Legato STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
77In The Sea CmCello Solo STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
78In The Sea CmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
79In The Sea CmEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
80In The Sea CmLow Brass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
81In The Sea CmMid High Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
82In The Sea CmMid Brass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
83In The Sea CmPiano STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
84In The Sea CmViolin Textures STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
85In The Sea CmVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
86The End D#mNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow
87The End D#mBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
88The End D#mCellos Violas Legato STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
89The End D#mEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
90The End D#mLow Brass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
91The End D#mMid Brass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
92The End D#mViolins Legato STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
93The End D#mVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow
94Start Again 110Bpm DmNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow110
95Start Again 110Bpm DmBasses Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
96Start Again 110Bpm DmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
97Start Again 110Bpm DmCellos Violins Violas STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
98Start Again 110Bpm DmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
99Start Again 110Bpm DmEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
100Start Again 110Bpm DmFirst Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
101Start Again 110Bpm DmHigh Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
102Start Again 110Bpm DmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
103Start Again 110Bpm DmSecond Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
104Start Again 110Bpm DmSolo Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow110
105Hope 120Bpm AmNo Vocals MixAngelos BitlisSlow120
106Hope 120Bpm AmBass Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
107Hope 120Bpm AmBrass STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
108Hope 120Bpm AmChoir STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
109Hope 120Bpm AmEnsemble Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
110Hope 120Bpm AmHigh Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
111Hope 120Bpm AmLow Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
112Hope 120Bpm AmMid Legato Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
113Hope 120Bpm AmPercussion STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
114Hope 120Bpm AmSolo Strings STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120
115Hope 120Bpm AmVocals STEMAngelos BitlisSlow120