#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1KickstartColin KiddyMid Tempo90
1KickstartColin KiddyMid Tempo90
2Motown MagicBrian AlbericiUp Tempo110
2Motown MagicBrian AlbericiUp Tempo110
3Say What You WantDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo90
3Say What You WantDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo90
4Open House PartyBrian AlbericiUp Tempo120
4Open House PartyBrian AlbericiUp Tempo120
5Delicious SaxRick RhodesSlow57
5Delicious SaxRick RhodesSlow57
6Venice BeachRicci HodgsonMid Tempo105
6Venice BeachRicci HodgsonMid Tempo105
7The OpportunityDavid SharpMid Tempo98
7The OpportunityDavid SharpMid Tempo98
8Big Bad ShuffleStephen HamiltonMid Tempo101
8Big Bad ShuffleStephen HamiltonMid Tempo101
9Dang My BreechesPaul WestwoodMid Tempo117
9Dang My BreechesPaul WestwoodMid Tempo117
10The Place To BeAndy QuinMid Tempo109
10The Place To BeAndy QuinMid Tempo109
11No Turning BackDavid SharpUp Tempo131
11No Turning BackDavid SharpUp Tempo131
12Pumpkin SoupBradley LangMid Tempo140
12Pumpkin SoupBradley LangMid Tempo140
13HomevilleDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo125
13HomevilleDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo125
14Barbecue BeatBrian AlbericiMid Tempo95
14Barbecue BeatBrian AlbericiMid Tempo95
15Two Left FeetPaul WestwoodSlow76
15Two Left FeetPaul WestwoodSlow76
16A Classical JourneySimon ParkMid Tempo116
16A Classical JourneySimon ParkMid Tempo116
17Get TogetherDavid SharpMid Tempo97
17Get TogetherDavid SharpMid Tempo97
18Beach ReggaeBrian AlbericiMid Tempo68
18Beach ReggaeBrian AlbericiMid Tempo68
19Hand It OverAndy QuinMid Tempo112
19Hand It OverAndy QuinMid Tempo112
20Lords And LadiesSimon ParkMid Tempo96
20Lords And LadiesSimon ParkMid Tempo96
21Gameshow ShowtimeSimon EtchellUp Tempo112
21Gameshow ShowtimeSimon EtchellUp Tempo112
22FreewayAndy QuinMid Tempo127
22FreewayAndy QuinMid Tempo127
23Living ImagePaul FieldMid Tempo120
23Living ImagePaul FieldMid Tempo120
24Daytime TelevisionColin KiddyMid Tempo108
24Daytime TelevisionColin KiddyMid Tempo108
25Lucky BreakAndy QuinUp Tempo72
25Lucky BreakAndy QuinUp Tempo72
26LeasingCamille SauvageUp Tempo95
26LeasingCamille SauvageUp Tempo95
27Coastal HighwayDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo127
27Coastal HighwayDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo127
28MeatballsAndy HamiltonMid Tempo95
28MeatballsAndy HamiltonMid Tempo95
29Nail That TurkeyPaul WestwoodMid Tempo72
29Nail That TurkeyPaul WestwoodMid Tempo72
30Your FutureDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo100
30Your FutureDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo100
31Keep On MovingBrian AlbericiUp Tempo155
31Keep On MovingBrian AlbericiUp Tempo155
32Tric TracCamille SauvageMid Tempo95
32Tric TracCamille SauvageMid Tempo95
33Cool DriverPaul WestwoodMid Tempo121
33Cool DriverPaul WestwoodMid Tempo121
34Kickstart - 30 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo90
34Kickstart - 30 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo90
35Motown Magic - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo110
35Motown Magic - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo110
36Say What You Want - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo90
36Say What You Want - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo90
37Open House Party - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo120
37Open House Party - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo120
38Delicious Sax - 30 SecondRick RhodesSlow57
38Delicious Sax - 30 SecondRick RhodesSlow57
39Venice Beach - 30 SecondRicci HodgsonMid Tempo105
39Venice Beach - 30 SecondRicci HodgsonMid Tempo105
40The Opportunity - 30 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo98
40The Opportunity - 30 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo98
41Big Bad Shuffle - 30 SecondStephen HamiltonMid Tempo101
41Big Bad Shuffle - 30 SecondStephen HamiltonMid Tempo101
42Dang My Breeches - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo117
42Dang My Breeches - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo117
43The Place To Be - 30 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo109
43The Place To Be - 30 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo109
44No Turning Back - 30 SecondDavid SharpUp Tempo131
44No Turning Back - 30 SecondDavid SharpUp Tempo131
45Pumpkin Soup - 30 SecondBradley LangMid Tempo140
45Pumpkin Soup - 30 SecondBradley LangMid Tempo140
46Homeville - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo125
46Homeville - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo125
47Barbecue Beat - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo95
47Barbecue Beat - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo95
48Two Left Feet - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodSlow76
48Two Left Feet - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodSlow76
49A Classical Journey - 30 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo116
49A Classical Journey - 30 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo116
50Get Together - 30 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo97
50Get Together - 30 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo97
51Beach Reggae - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo68
51Beach Reggae - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo68
52Hand It Over - 30 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo112
52Hand It Over - 30 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo112
53Lords And Ladies - 30 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo96
53Lords And Ladies - 30 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo96
54Gameshow Showtime - 30 SecondSimon EtchellUp Tempo112
54Gameshow Showtime - 30 SecondSimon EtchellUp Tempo112
55Freeway - 30 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo127
55Freeway - 30 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo127
56Living Image - 30 SecondPaul FieldMid Tempo120
56Living Image - 30 SecondPaul FieldMid Tempo120
57Daytime Television - 30 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo108
57Daytime Television - 30 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo108
58Lucky Break - 30 SecondAndy QuinUp Tempo72
58Lucky Break - 30 SecondAndy QuinUp Tempo72
59Leasing - 30 SecondCamille SauvageUp Tempo95
59Leasing - 30 SecondCamille SauvageUp Tempo95
60Coastal Highway - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo127
60Coastal Highway - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo127
61Meatballs - 30 SecondAndy HamiltonMid Tempo95
61Meatballs - 30 SecondAndy HamiltonMid Tempo95
62Nail That Turkey - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo72
62Nail That Turkey - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo72
63Your Future - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo100
63Your Future - 30 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo100
64Keep On Moving - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo155
64Keep On Moving - 30 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo155
65Tric Trac - 30 SecondCamille SauvageMid Tempo95
65Tric Trac - 30 SecondCamille SauvageMid Tempo95
66Cool Driver - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo121
66Cool Driver - 30 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo121
67Kickstart - 15 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo90
67Kickstart - 15 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo90
68Motown Magic - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo110
68Motown Magic - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo110
69Say What You Want - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo90
69Say What You Want - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo90
70Open House Party - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo120
70Open House Party - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo120
71Delicious Sax - 15 SecondRick RhodesSlow57
71Delicious Sax - 15 SecondRick RhodesSlow57
72Venice Beach - 15 SecondRicci HodgsonMid Tempo105
72Venice Beach - 15 SecondRicci HodgsonMid Tempo105
73The Opportunity - 15 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo98
73The Opportunity - 15 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo98
74Big Bad Shuffle - 15 SecondStephen HamiltonMid Tempo101
74Big Bad Shuffle - 15 SecondStephen HamiltonMid Tempo101
75Dang My Breeches - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo117
75Dang My Breeches - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo117
76The Place To Be - 15 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo109
76The Place To Be - 15 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo109
77No Turning Back - 15 SecondDavid SharpUp Tempo131
77No Turning Back - 15 SecondDavid SharpUp Tempo131
78Pumpkin Soup - 15 SecondBradley LangMid Tempo140
78Pumpkin Soup - 15 SecondBradley LangMid Tempo140
79Homeville - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo125
79Homeville - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo125
80Barbecue Beat - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo95
80Barbecue Beat - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo95
81Two Left Feet - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodSlow76
81Two Left Feet - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodSlow76
82A Classical Journey - 15 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo116
82A Classical Journey - 15 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo116
83Get Together - 15 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo97
83Get Together - 15 SecondDavid SharpMid Tempo97
84Beach Reggae - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo68
84Beach Reggae - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiMid Tempo68
85Hand It Over - 15 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo112
85Hand It Over - 15 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo112
86Lords And Ladies - 15 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo96
86Lords And Ladies - 15 SecondSimon ParkMid Tempo96
87Gameshow Showtime - 15 SecondSimon EtchellUp Tempo112
87Gameshow Showtime - 15 SecondSimon EtchellUp Tempo112
88Freeway - 15 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo127
88Freeway - 15 SecondAndy QuinMid Tempo127
89Living Image - 15 SecondPaul FieldMid Tempo120
89Living Image - 15 SecondPaul FieldMid Tempo120
90Daytime Television - 15 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo108
90Daytime Television - 15 SecondColin KiddyMid Tempo108
91Lucky Break - 15 SecondAndy QuinUp Tempo72
91Lucky Break - 15 SecondAndy QuinUp Tempo72
92Leasing - 15 SecondCamille SauvageUp Tempo95
92Leasing - 15 SecondCamille SauvageUp Tempo95
93Coastal Highway - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo127
93Coastal Highway - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo127
94Meatballs - 15 SecondAndy HamiltonMid Tempo95
94Meatballs - 15 SecondAndy HamiltonMid Tempo95
95Nail That Turkey - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo72
95Nail That Turkey - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo72
96Your Future - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo100
96Your Future - 15 SecondDavid MolyneuxMid Tempo100
97Keep On Moving - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo155
97Keep On Moving - 15 SecondBrian AlbericiUp Tempo155
98Tric Trac - 15 SecondCamille SauvageMid Tempo95
98Tric Trac - 15 SecondCamille SauvageMid Tempo95
99Cool Driver - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo121
99Cool Driver - 15 SecondPaul WestwoodMid Tempo121