Album: ANCIENT LANDS 1 - DWCD 0657

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Time of DreamsPaul LawlerSlow60
2TranscendentPaul LawlerSlow60
3Forgotten KingdomPaul LawlerSlow60
4Lost DynastyPaul LawlerSlow121
5CeremoniesPaul LawlerUp Tempo60
6Ancient RealmPaul LawlerSlow88
7Hidden TemplePaul LawlerMid Tempo90
8Dreaming of IndiaPaul LawlerSlow90
9Indian LandscapePaul LawlerSlow60
10Ancient TalesPaul LawlerSlow60
11EnchantressPaul LawlerMid Tempo60
12Spiritual AwakeningPaul LawlerSlow60
13An EnigmaPaul LawlerSlow60
14Knowledge and WisdomPaul LawlerSlow80
15Time of LearningPaul LawlerMid Tempo83
16NecropolisPaul LawlerSlow60
17Temple RuinsPaul LawlerSlow83
18Dawn of CivilizationPaul LawlerSlow97
19RelicsPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
20Lord and MasterPaul LawlerSlow84
21Of Times PastPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
22Of Times PastPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
23Courts and CastlesPaul LawlerSlow128
24Mystical RealmPaul LawlerSlow60
25Land Of HistoryPaul LawlerSlow60
26Time of Dreams - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
27Transcendent - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
28Forgotten Kingdom - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
29Lost Dynasty - 30sPaul LawlerSlow121
30Ceremonies - 30sPaul LawlerUp Tempo60
31Ancient Realm - 30sPaul LawlerSlow88
32Hidden Temple - 30sPaul LawlerMid Tempo90
33Dreaming of India - 30sPaul LawlerSlow90
34Indian Landscape - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
35Ancient Tales - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
36Enchantress - 30sPaul LawlerMid Tempo60
37Spiritual Awakening - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
38An Enigma - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
39Knowledge and Wisdom - 30sPaul LawlerSlow80
40Time of Learning - 30sPaul LawlerMid Tempo83
41Necropolis - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
42Temple Ruins - 30sPaul LawlerSlow83
43Dawn of Civilization - 30sPaul LawlerSlow97
44Relics - 30sPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
45Lord and Master - 30sPaul LawlerSlow84
46Of Times Past - 30sPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
47Courts and Castles - 30sPaul LawlerSlow128
48Mystical Realm - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
49Land Of History - 30sPaul LawlerSlow60
50Time of Dreams - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
51Transcendent - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
52Forgotten Kingdom - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
53Lost Dynasty - stingPaul LawlerSlow121
54Ceremonies - stingPaul LawlerUp Tempo60
55Ancient Realm - stingPaul LawlerSlow88
56Hidden Temple - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo90
57Dreaming of India - stingPaul LawlerSlow90
58Indian Landscape - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
59Ancient Tales - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
60Enchantress - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo60
61Spiritual Awakening - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
62An Enigma - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
63Knowledge and Wisdom - stingPaul LawlerSlow80
64Time of Learning - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo83
65Necropolis - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
66Temple Ruins - stingPaul LawlerSlow83
67Dawn of Civilization - stingPaul LawlerSlow97
68Relics - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
69Lord and Master - stingPaul LawlerSlow84
70Of Times Past - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo95
71Courts and Castles - stingPaul LawlerSlow128
72Mystical Realm - stingPaul LawlerSlow60
73Land Of History - stingPaul LawlerSlow60