#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Total DestructionPaul LawlerMid Tempo100
2Big ImpactMark HeaneyUp Tempo110
3DistortedLeon ButlerMid Tempo60
4The RaidLeon ButlerUp Tempo115
5Serious BusinessPaul LawlerUp Tempo130
6ImpendingMark HeaneyMid Tempo95
7Kill ZoneLeon ButlerMid Tempo84
8Panic RoomLeon ButlerMid Tempo130
9Facing OffMark HeaneyMid Tempo80
10Power OnLeon ButlerMid Tempo110
11Detonator Paul LawlerUp Tempo130
12Firing UpPaul LawlerUp Tempo140
13It Comes Down To ThisPaul LawlerUp Tempo140
14Blast WaveLeon ButlerMid Tempo70
15Terror MountingLeon ButlerSlow68
16Terror BeginsLeon ButlerMid Tempo124
17Behind The DoorLeon ButlerMid Tempo103
18Night FearLeon ButlerSlow64
19Tormented RiseLeon ButlerSlow63
20Industrial SabotageLeon ButlerMid Tempo72
21SingularityIan BoddyMid Tempo90
22Beneath The EarthLeon ButlerSlow85
23Beyond UnderstandingIan BoddySlow60
24Tormented MindLeon ButlerSlow67
25Radiation StormIan BoddySlow68
26From The DeepLeon ButlerSlow68
27Shards of LightLeon ButlerMid Tempo60
28MissionLeon ButlerMid Tempo60
29Revealing The TruthPaul LawlerMid Tempo56
30Revealing The TruthPaul LawlerMid Tempo56
31Remembering ClearlyPaul LawlerSlow69
32What Has Passed Paul LawlerSlow43
33What We’ve LostPaul LawlerSlow50
34Eternal World Leon ButlerUp Tempo120
35PrimevalTerry KeatingSlow48
36PrimevalTerry KeatingSlow48
37Face The AbyssTerry KeatingSlow60
38Finding TracesTerry KeatingSlow74
39Impending EvilTerry KeatingSlow120
40Impending EvilTerry KeatingSlow120
41Hidden PlaceTerry KeatingSlow72
42Time Slips AwayTerry KeatingSlow60
43Time Slips AwayTerry KeatingSlow60
44Slam 1Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
45Slam 2Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
46Slam 3Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
47Slam 4Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
48Slam 5Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
49Slam 6Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
50Slam 7Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
51Slam 8Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
52Slam 9Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
53Slam 10Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
54Slam 11Leon ButlerMid Tempo75
55Face The AbyssTerry KeatingSlow60
56Finding TracesTerry KeatingSlow74
57Hidden PlaceTerry KeatingSlow72
58Hidden PlaceTerry KeatingSlow72
59PrimevalTerry KeatingSlow48
60Total Destruction - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo100
61Big Impact - stingMark HeaneyUp Tempo110
62Distorted - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo60
63The Raid - stingLeon ButlerUp Tempo115
64Serious Business - stingPaul LawlerUp Tempo130
65Impending - stingMark HeaneyMid Tempo95
66Kill Zone - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo84
67Panic Room - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo130
68Facing Off - stingMark HeaneyMid Tempo80
69Power On - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo110
70Detonator - stingPaul LawlerUp Tempo130
71Firing Up - stingPaul LawlerUp Tempo140
72It Comes Down To This - stingPaul LawlerUp Tempo140
73Blast Wave - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo70
74Terror Mounting - stingLeon ButlerSlow68
75Terror Begins - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo124
76Behind The Door - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo103
77Night Fear - stingLeon ButlerSlow64
78Tormented Rise - stingLeon ButlerSlow63
79Industrial Sabotage - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo72
80Singularity - stingIan BoddyMid Tempo90
81Beneath The Earth - stingLeon ButlerSlow85
82Beyond Understanding - stingIan BoddySlow60
83Tormented Mind - stingLeon ButlerSlow67
84Radiation Storm - stingIan BoddySlow68
85From The Deep - stingLeon ButlerSlow68
86Shards of Light - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo60
87Mission - stingLeon ButlerMid Tempo60
88Revealing The Truth - stingPaul LawlerMid Tempo56
89Remembering Clearly - stingPaul LawlerSlow69
90What Has Passed - stingPaul LawlerSlow43
91What We’ve Lost - stingPaul LawlerSlow50
92Eternal World - stingLeon ButlerUp Tempo120
93Primeval - stingTerry KeatingSlow48
94Face The Abyss - stingTerry KeatingSlow60
95Finding Traces - stingTerry KeatingSlow74
96Impending Evil - stingTerry KeatingSlow120
97Hidden Place - stingTerry KeatingSlow72
98Time Slips Away - stingTerry KeatingSlow60