#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Shock HorrorVince GabrielMid Tempo92
2It Came From AfarVince GabrielMid Tempo106
3Meet The GhoulsVince GabrielMid Tempo142
4Tip ToesVince GabrielSlow64
5Monster AttacksVince GabrielSlow80
6Ghoul DanceVince GabrielMid Tempo115
7Professor MadVince GabrielSlow110
8Ghostly 1Vince GabrielSlow65
9Ghostly 2Vince GabrielSlow65
10Sneaking AroundVince GabrielMid Tempo80
11Alien SightingVince GabrielSlow85
12NightmaresVince GabrielMid Tempo80
13PsychedeliaVince GabrielMid Tempo120
14The CreepsVince GabrielMid Tempo107
15Foreboding PlanetVince GabrielSlow82
16ShiverVince GabrielMid Tempo112
17True Or FalseVince GabrielMid Tempo120
18Spooky DroneVince GabrielSlow90
19Shock Horror - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo92
20It Came From Afar - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo106
21Meet The Ghouls - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo142
22Tip Toes - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow64
23Monster Attacks - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow80
24Ghoul Dance - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo115
25Professor Mad - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow110
26Ghostly 1 - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow65
27Ghostly 2 - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow65
28Sneaking Around - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo80
29Alien Sighting - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow85
30Nightmares - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo80
31Psychedelia - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo120
32The Creeps - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo107
33Foreboding Planet - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow82
34Shiver - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo112
35True Or False - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo120
36Spooky Drone - 60 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow90
37Shock Horror - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo92
38It Came From Afar - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo106
39Meet The Ghouls - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo142
40Tip Toes - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow64
41Monster Attacks - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow80
42Ghoul Dance - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo115
43Professor Mad - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow110
44Ghostly 1 - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow65
45Ghostly 2 - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow65
46Sneaking Around - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo80
47Alien Sighting - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow85
48Nightmares - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo80
49Psychedelia - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo120
50The Creeps - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo107
51Foreboding Planet - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow82
52Shiver - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo112
53True Or False - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielMid Tempo120
54Spooky Drone - 30 Second VersionVince GabrielSlow90
55Shock Horror - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo92
56Shock Horror - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo92
57Shock Horror - Sting 3Vince GabrielMid Tempo92
58It Came From Afar - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo106
59It Came From Afar - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo106
60Meet The Ghouls - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo142
61Meet The Ghouls - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo142
62Meet The Ghouls - Sting 3Vince GabrielMid Tempo142
63Meet The Ghouls - Sting 4Vince GabrielMid Tempo142
64Tip Toes - Sting 1Vince GabrielSlow64
65Tip Toes - Sting 2Vince GabrielSlow64
66Tip Toes - Sting 3Vince GabrielSlow64
67Tip Toes - Sting 4Vince GabrielSlow64
68Monster Attacks - Sting 1Vince GabrielSlow80
69Monster Attacks - Sting 2Vince GabrielSlow80
70Monster Attacks - Sting 3Vince GabrielSlow80
71Monster Attacks - Sting 4Vince GabrielSlow80
72Monster Attacks - Sting 5Vince GabrielSlow80
73Ghoul Dance - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo115
74Ghoul Dance - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo115
75Ghoul Dance - Sting 3Vince GabrielMid Tempo115
76Ghoul Dance - Sting 4Vince GabrielMid Tempo115
77Professor Mad - Sting 1Vince GabrielSlow110
78Professor Mad - Sting 2Vince GabrielSlow110
79Ghostly 1 - StingVince GabrielSlow65
80Sneaking Around - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo80
81Sneaking Around - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo80
82Sneaking Around - Sting 3Vince GabrielMid Tempo80
83Nightmares - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo80
84Nightmares - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo80
85Nightmares - Sting 3Vince GabrielMid Tempo80
86Psychedelia - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo120
87Psychedelia - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo120
88The Creeps - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo107
89The Creeps - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo107
90The Creeps - Sting 3Vince GabrielMid Tempo107
91Foreboding Planet - Sting 1Vince GabrielSlow82
92Foreboding Planet - Sting 2Vince GabrielSlow82
93Foreboding Planet - Sting 3Vince GabrielSlow82
94Shiver - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo112
95Shiver - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo112
96True Or False - Sting 1Vince GabrielMid Tempo120
97True Or False - Sting 2Vince GabrielMid Tempo120
98Spooky Drone - Sting 1Vince GabrielSlow90
99Spooky Drone - Sting 2Vince GabrielSlow90