Album: CRIME SCENE - DWCD 0450

#Nume piesaCompozitorTempoBPM
1Deep UndercoverDavid KellyMid Tempo90
2Crime SceneDavid KellySlow80
3JudgementDavid KellyMid Tempo90
4The ReckoningDavid KellySlow90
5The ReckoningDavid KellySlow126
6VictimsDavid KellyMid Tempo74
7VictimsDavid KellyMid Tempo74
8On Street LevelDavid KellySlow71
9Secret PlanDavid KellySlow122
10New EvidenceDavid KellySlow110
11Solve The CaseDavid KellySlow90
12Post MortemDavid KellySlow91
13ProofDavid KellySlow86
14Forensic ReportDavid KellyMid Tempo88
15Wire TapDavid KellyMid Tempo70
16On AssignmentDavid KellyMid Tempo92
17Deep Undercover - 60 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo90
18Crime Scene - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow80
19Judgement - 60 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo90
20The Reckoning - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow90
21Victims - 60 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo74
22On Street Level - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow71
23Secret Plan - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow122
24New Evidence - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow110
25Solve The Case - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow90
26Post Mortem - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow91
27Proof - 60 Second VersionDavid KellySlow86
28Forensic Report - 60 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo88
29Wire Tap - 60 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo70
30On Assignment - 60 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo92
31Deep Undercover - 30 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo90
32Crime Scene - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow80
33Judgement - 30 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo90
34The Reckoning - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow90
35Victims - 30 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo74
36On Street Level - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow71
37Secret Plan - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow122
38New Evidence - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow110
39Solve The Case - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow90
40Post Mortem - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow91
41Proof - 30 Second VersionDavid KellySlow86
42Forensic Report - 30 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo88
43Wire Tap - 30 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo70
44On Assignment - 30 Second VersionDavid KellyMid Tempo92