Album: Dark & Melancholic Vocals - ALL201

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorBPM
1HeartlessMainMarkus Hughes 80
2No Going Back From ThisMainMarkus Hughes 120
3Somebody's Going To Get HurtMainMarkus Hughes 130
4Seek You OutMainDavid Staniforth108
5No Forgive No ForgetMainMarkus Hughes 70
6I Thought You Were The OneMainMarkus Hughes 71
7Hold OnMainDavid Staniforth136
8Every RuleMainDavid Staniforth114
9I'm HollowMainDavid Staniforth128
10HeartlessAlternate, No Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 80
11HeartlessAlternate, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 80
12Heartless30secMarkus Hughes 80
13Heartless30sec, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 80
14HeartlessStem Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 80
15HeartlessStem Backing VocalsMarkus Hughes 80
16HeartlessStem Synth LeadMarkus Hughes 80
17HeartlessStem Synth Pad & PlucksMarkus Hughes 80
18HeartlessStem Synth Textures & GlockMarkus Hughes 80
19HeartlessStem Synth BrassMarkus Hughes 80
20HeartlessStem BassMarkus Hughes 80
21HeartlessStem Drums Perc FXMarkus Hughes 80
22No Going Back From ThisAlternate, No Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 120
23No Going Back From ThisAlternate, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 120
24No Going Back From This30secMarkus Hughes 120
25No Going Back From This30sec, Vox MixMarkus Hughes 120
26No Going Back From ThisStem Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 120
27No Going Back From ThisStem Backing Vocals & FXMarkus Hughes 120
28No Going Back From ThisStem Vox FXMarkus Hughes 120
29No Going Back From ThisStem StringsMarkus Hughes 120
30No Going Back From ThisStem PianoMarkus Hughes 120
31No Going Back From ThisStem GuitarMarkus Hughes 120
32No Going Back From ThisStem BassMarkus Hughes 120
33No Going Back From ThisStem Drums Perc FXMarkus Hughes 120
34Somebody's Going To Get HurtAlternate, No Vocals MixMarkus Hughes 130
35Somebody's Going To Get HurtAlternate, No Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 130
36Somebody's Going To Get Hurt30secMarkus Hughes 130
37Somebody's Going To Get Hurt30sec, No Vocals MixMarkus Hughes 130
38Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 130
39Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem Backing VocalsMarkus Hughes 130
40Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem Vocal Ad LibsMarkus Hughes 130
41Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem GuitarMarkus Hughes 130
42Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem PianoMarkus Hughes 130
43Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem Synth MalletsMarkus Hughes 130
44Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem Synth Brass Hits PadsMarkus Hughes 130
45Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem FXMarkus Hughes 130
46Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem BassMarkus Hughes 130
47Somebody's Going To Get HurtStem Drums PercussionMarkus Hughes 130
48Seek You OutAlternate, No Lead VoxDavid Staniforth108
49Seek You OutAlternate, No Vocals MixDavid Staniforth108
50Seek You Out30secDavid Staniforth108
51Seek You Out30sec, No Vocals MixDavid Staniforth108
52Seek You OutStem Lead VoxDavid Staniforth108
53Seek You OutStem Backing VocalsDavid Staniforth108
54Seek You OutStem KeysDavid Staniforth108
55Seek You OutStem GuitarDavid Staniforth108
56Seek You OutStem SynthsDavid Staniforth108
57Seek You OutStem BassDavid Staniforth108
58Seek You OutStem DrumsDavid Staniforth108
59No Forgive No ForgetAlternate, No Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 70
60No Forgive No ForgetAlternate, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 70
61No Forgive No Forget30secMarkus Hughes 70
62No Forgive No Forget30sec, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 70
63No Forgive No ForgetStem Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 70
64No Forgive No ForgetStem Backing VocalsMarkus Hughes 70
65No Forgive No ForgetStem SynthsMarkus Hughes 70
66No Forgive No ForgetStem StringsMarkus Hughes 70
67No Forgive No ForgetStem GuitarMarkus Hughes 70
68No Forgive No ForgetStem PianoMarkus Hughes 70
69No Forgive No ForgetStem BrassMarkus Hughes 70
70No Forgive No ForgetStem PulsesMarkus Hughes 70
71No Forgive No ForgetStem BassesMarkus Hughes 70
72No Forgive No ForgetStem FXMarkus Hughes 70
73No Forgive No ForgetStem Drums PercMarkus Hughes 70
74I Thought You Were The OneAlternate, No Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 71
75I Thought You Were The OneAlternate, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 71
76I Thought You Were The One30secMarkus Hughes 71
77I Thought You Were The One30sec, No Vox MixMarkus Hughes 71
78I Thought You Were The OneStem Lead VoxMarkus Hughes 71
79I Thought You Were The OneStem Backing VocalsMarkus Hughes 71
80I Thought You Were The OneStem Synth LeadMarkus Hughes 71
81I Thought You Were The OneStem GuitarMarkus Hughes 71
82I Thought You Were The OneStem PianoMarkus Hughes 71
83I Thought You Were The OneStem Synth FXMarkus Hughes 71
84I Thought You Were The OneStem BassMarkus Hughes 71
85I Thought You Were The OneStem Drums Perc FXMarkus Hughes 71
86Hold OnAlternate, No Lead VoxDavid Staniforth136
87Hold OnAlternate, No Vox MixDavid Staniforth136
88Hold On30secDavid Staniforth136
89Hold On30sec, No Vox MixDavid Staniforth136
90Hold OnStem Lead VoxDavid Staniforth136
91Hold OnStem Backing VocalsDavid Staniforth136
92Hold OnStem PianosDavid Staniforth136
93Hold OnStem SynthsDavid Staniforth136
94Hold OnStem GuitarDavid Staniforth136
95Hold OnStem BassDavid Staniforth136
96Hold OnStem DrumsDavid Staniforth136
97Every RuleAlternate, No Lead VoxDavid Staniforth114
98Every RuleAlternate, No Vox MixDavid Staniforth114
99Every Rule30secDavid Staniforth114
100Every Rule30sec, No Vox MixDavid Staniforth114
101Every RuleStem Lead VoxDavid Staniforth114
102Every RuleStem Backing VocalsDavid Staniforth114
103Every RuleStem PianoDavid Staniforth114
104Every RuleStem SynthsDavid Staniforth114
105Every RuleStem GuitarDavid Staniforth114
106Every RuleStem BassDavid Staniforth114
107Every RuleStem DrumsDavid Staniforth114
108I'm HollowAlternate, No Lead VoxDavid Staniforth128
109I'm HollowAlternate, No Vox MixDavid Staniforth128
110I'm Hollow30secDavid Staniforth128
111I'm Hollow30sec, No Vox MixDavid Staniforth128
112I'm HollowStem Lead VoxDavid Staniforth128
113I'm HollowStem Backing VocalsDavid Staniforth128
114I'm HollowStem SynthsDavid Staniforth128
115I'm HollowStem GuitarDavid Staniforth128
116I'm HollowStem BassDavid Staniforth128
117I'm HollowStem DrumsDavid Staniforth128