Album: Energetic - Cute 181

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Jenny BooMainPeter MaxUp tempo150
2Life is GoodMainTim ButcherUp tempo85
3Life is GoodUnderscoreTim ButcherUp tempo85
4Life is GoodAlternate, no drums or bassTim ButcherUp tempo85
5Musical ChairsMainDan DenningUp tempo150
6Space RaceMainMartin GrattonUp tempo130
7Space RaceUnderscoreMartin GrattonUp tempo130
8Whirly WhirlyMainDan DenningUp tempo160
9Triple SwirlMainTim ButcherUp tempo125
10Triple SwirlUnderscoreTim ButcherUp tempo125
11Bobby BouncerMainPeter MaxUp tempo120
12SpeedwayMainDan DenningUp tempo120
13Get Up and PlayMainDan DenningMedium tempo125
14Pop N ChopsMainTim ButcherMedium tempo108
15Pop N ChopsUnderscoreTim ButcherMedium tempo108
16Pop N ChopsAlternate, no drums or bassTim ButcherMedium tempo108
17Slim JimMainTim ButcherUp tempo123
18Slim JimUnderscoreTim ButcherUp tempo123
19Dizzy LizzyMainDan DenningUp tempo155
20Snow ConeMainTim ButcherMedium tempo112
21Snow ConeUnderscoreTim ButcherMedium tempo112
22Snow ConeAlternateTim ButcherMedium tempo112
23Spinny TopMainDan DenningUp tempo143
24Funkadoodle FunMainDan DenningUp tempo130
25Jenny BooMain 30 sec editPeter MaxUp tempo150
26Life is GoodMain 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo85
27Life is GoodUnderscore 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo85
28Life is GoodAlternate, no drums or bass 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo85
29Musical ChairsMain 30 sec editDan DenningUp tempo150
30Space RaceMain 30 sec editMartin GrattonUp tempo130
31Space RaceUnderscore 30 sec editMartin GrattonUp tempo130
32Whirly WhirlyMain 30 sec editDan DenningUp tempo160
33Triple SwirlMain 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo125
34Triple SwirlUnderscore 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo125
35Bobby BouncerMain 30 sec editPeter MaxUp tempo120
36SpeedwayMain 30 sec editDan DenningUp tempo120
37Get Up and PlayMain 30 sec editDan DenningMedium tempo125
38Pop N ChopsMain 30 sec editTim ButcherMedium tempo108
39Pop N ChopsUnderscore 30 sec editTim ButcherMedium tempo108
40Pop N ChopsAlternate, no drums or bass 30 sec editTim ButcherMedium tempo108
41Slim JimMain 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo123
42Slim JimUnderscore 30 sec editTim ButcherUp tempo123
43Dizzy LizzyMain 30 sec editDan DenningUp tempo155
44Snow ConeMain 30 sec editTim ButcherMedium tempo112
45Snow ConeUnderscore 30 sec editTim ButcherMedium tempo112
46Snow ConeAlternate 30 sec editTim ButcherMedium tempo112
47Spinny TopMain 30 sec editDan DenningUp tempo143
48Funkadoodle FunMain 30 sec editDan DenningUp tempo130
49Jenny BooMain stingPeter MaxUp tempo150
50Life is GoodMain stingTim ButcherUp tempo85
51Life is GoodUnderscore stingTim ButcherUp tempo85
52Life is GoodAlternate, no drums or bass stingTim ButcherUp tempo85
53Musical ChairsMain stingDan DenningUp tempo150
54Space RaceMain stingMartin GrattonUp tempo130
55Space RaceUnderscore stingMartin GrattonUp tempo130
56Whirly WhirlyMain stingDan DenningUp tempo160
57Triple SwirlMain stingTim ButcherUp tempo125
58Triple SwirlUnderscore stingTim ButcherUp tempo125
59Bobby BouncerMain stingPeter MaxUp tempo120
60SpeedwayMain stingDan DenningUp tempo120
61Get Up and PlayMain stingDan DenningMedium tempo125
62Pop N ChopsMain stingTim ButcherMedium tempo108
63Pop N ChopsUnderscore stingTim ButcherMedium tempo108
64Pop N ChopsAlternate, no drums or bass stingTim ButcherMedium tempo108
65Slim JimMain stingTim ButcherUp tempo123
66Slim JimUnderscore stingTim ButcherUp tempo123
67Dizzy LizzyMain stingDan DenningUp tempo155
68Snow ConeMain stingTim ButcherMedium tempo112
69Snow ConeUnderscore stingTim ButcherMedium tempo112
70Snow ConeAlternate stingTim ButcherMedium tempo112
71Spinny TopMain stingDan DenningUp tempo143
72Funkadoodle FunMain stingDan DenningUp tempo130