Album: Bubbles - Cute 177

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1Bright and HappyMainBruce HallMedium tempo150
2Happy BubblesMainBruce HallUp tempo106
3Happy BubblesUnderscoreBruce HallUp tempo106
4Fun with FriendsMainBruce HallMedium tempo89
5Fun with FriendsUnderscoreBruce HallMedium tempo89
6Sunshine and FriendsMainBruce HallMedium tempo110
7Sunshine and FriendsUnderscoreBruce HallMedium tempo110
8Really Good TimesMainBruce HallUp tempo164
9Really Good TimesUnderscoreBruce HallUp tempo164
10Lovely CatsMainBenoit JegoMedium tempo120
11Lovely CatsUnderscoreBenoit JegoMedium tempo120
12Mister Big FishMainBruce HallMedium tempo180
13Bubbly FunMainBruce HallUp tempo96
14Dancing FountainMainBruce HallMedium tempo126
15Bubbly ActivityMainBruce HallUp tempo162
16Magical BubblesMainBruce HallMedium tempo120
17Summer HolidayMainBruce HallUp tempo160
18Summer HolidayUnderscoreBruce HallUp tempo160
19Pets ParadeMainBruce HallMedium tempo185
20Pets ParadeUnderscoreBruce HallMedium tempo185
21Bright and HappyMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo150
22Happy BubblesMain 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo106
23Happy BubblesUnderscore 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo106
24Fun with FriendsMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo89
25Fun with FriendsUnderscore 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo89
26Sunshine and FriendsMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo110
27Sunshine and FriendsUnderscore 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo110
28Really Good TimesMain 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo164
29Really Good TimesUnderscore 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo164
30Lovely CatsMain 30 sec editBenoit JegoMedium tempo120
31Lovely CatsUnderscore 30 sec editBenoit JegoMedium tempo120
32Mister Big FishMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo180
33Bubbly FunMain 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo96
34Dancing FountainMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo126
35Bubbly ActivityMain 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo162
36Magical BubblesMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo120
37Summer HolidayMain 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo160
38Summer HolidayUnderscore 30 sec editBruce HallUp tempo160
39Pets ParadeMain 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo185
40Pets ParadeUnderscore 30 sec editBruce HallMedium tempo185
41Bright and HappyMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo150
42Happy BubblesMain stingBruce HallUp tempo106
43Happy BubblesUnderscore stingBruce HallUp tempo106
44Fun with FriendsMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo89
45Fun with FriendsUnderscore stingBruce HallMedium tempo89
46Sunshine and FriendsMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo110
47Sunshine and FriendsUnderscore stingBruce HallMedium tempo110
48Really Good TimesMain stingBruce HallUp tempo164
49Really Good TimesUnderscore stingBruce HallUp tempo164
50Lovely CatsMain stingBenoit JegoMedium tempo120
51Lovely CatsUnderscore stingBenoit JegoMedium tempo120
52Mister Big FishMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo180
53Bubbly FunMain stingBruce HallUp tempo96
54Dancing FountainMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo126
55Bubbly ActivityMain stingBruce HallUp tempo162
56Magical BubblesMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo120
57Summer HolidayMain stingBruce HallUp tempo160
58Summer HolidayUnderscore stingBruce HallUp tempo160
59Pets ParadeMain stingBruce HallMedium tempo185
60Pets ParadeUnderscore stingBruce HallMedium tempo185