1 | Come and Join Us | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 160 |
2 | Come and Join Us | Underscore | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 160 |
3 | Walk this Way | Main | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 100 |
4 | Elf Problems | Main | Jamie Talbot | Up tempo | 140 |
5 | Elf Problems | Underscore | Jamie Talbot | Up tempo | 140 |
6 | Chime to be Happy | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 130 |
7 | Chime to be Happy | Underscore | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 130 |
8 | Barn Dance | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 110 |
9 | Playful and Bright | Main | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 115 |
10 | Happy Baby | Main | Rick Cassman | Medium tempo | 115 |
11 | Happy Baby | Underscore | Rick Cassman | Medium tempo | 115 |
12 | Cool Cat | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 161 |
13 | Cool Cat | Underscore | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 161 |
14 | Take a Stroll | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 81 |
15 | Take a Stroll | Underscore | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 81 |
16 | Cuddly Bear | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 121 |
17 | Bright Activity | Main | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 105 |
18 | Let's Play | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 76 |
19 | Let's Play | Underscore | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 76 |
20 | Very Mysterious | Main | Jamie Talbot | Down tempo | 125 |
21 | Very Mysterious | Underscore | Jamie Talbot | Down tempo | 125 |
22 | Playing the Game | Main | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 96 |
23 | Silly Billy | Main | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 111 |
24 | Abra Cadabra | Main | Jamie Talbot | Medium tempo | 114 |
25 | Abra Cadabra | Underscore | Jamie Talbot | Medium tempo | 114 |
26 | Come and Join Us | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 160 |
27 | Come and Join Us | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 160 |
28 | Walk this Way | Main 30 sec edit | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 100 |
29 | Elf Problems | Main 30 sec edit | Jamie Talbot | Up tempo | 140 |
30 | Elf Problems | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jamie Talbot | Up tempo | 140 |
31 | Chime to be Happy | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 130 |
32 | Chime to be Happy | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 130 |
33 | Barn Dance | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 110 |
34 | Playful and Bright | Main 30 sec edit | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 115 |
35 | Happy Baby | Main 30 sec edit | Rick Cassman | Medium tempo | 115 |
36 | Happy Baby | Underscore 30 sec edit | Rick Cassman | Medium tempo | 115 |
37 | Cool Cat | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 161 |
38 | Cool Cat | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 161 |
39 | Take a Stroll | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 81 |
40 | Take a Stroll | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 81 |
41 | Cuddly Bear | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 121 |
42 | Bright Activity | Main 30 sec edit | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 105 |
43 | Let's Play | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 76 |
44 | Let's Play | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 76 |
45 | Very Mysterious | Main 30 sec edit | Jamie Talbot | Down tempo | 125 |
46 | Very Mysterious | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jamie Talbot | Down tempo | 125 |
47 | Playing the Game | Main 30 sec edit | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 96 |
48 | Silly Billy | Main 30 sec edit | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 111 |
49 | Abra Cadabra | Main 30 sec edit | Jamie Talbot | Medium tempo | 114 |
50 | Abra Cadabra | Underscore 30 sec edit | Jamie Talbot | Medium tempo | 114 |
51 | Come and Join Us | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 160 |
52 | Come and Join Us | Underscore sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 160 |
53 | Walk this Way | Main sting | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 100 |
54 | Elf Problems | Main sting | Jamie Talbot | Up tempo | 140 |
55 | Elf Problems | Underscore sting | Jamie Talbot | Up tempo | 140 |
56 | Chime to be Happy | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 130 |
57 | Chime to be Happy | Underscore sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 130 |
58 | Barn Dance | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 110 |
59 | Playful and Bright | Main sting | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 115 |
60 | Happy Baby | Main sting | Rick Cassman | Medium tempo | 115 |
61 | Happy Baby | Underscore sting | Rick Cassman | Medium tempo | 115 |
62 | Cool Cat | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 161 |
63 | Cool Cat | Underscore sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 161 |
64 | Take a Stroll | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 81 |
65 | Take a Stroll | Underscore sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 81 |
66 | Cuddly Bear | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 121 |
67 | Bright Activity | Main sting | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 105 |
68 | Let's Play | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 76 |
69 | Let's Play | Underscore sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Medium tempo | 76 |
70 | Very Mysterious | Main sting | Jamie Talbot | Down tempo | 125 |
71 | Very Mysterious | Underscore sting | Jamie Talbot | Down tempo | 125 |
72 | Playing the Game | Main sting | Chris Lever | Medium tempo | 96 |
73 | Silly Billy | Main sting | Jimmy Kaleth | Up tempo | 111 |
74 | Abra Cadabra | Main sting | Jamie Talbot | Medium tempo | 114 |
75 | Abra Cadabra | Underscore sting | Jamie Talbot | Medium tempo | 114 |