Album: Best Friends - Cute 127

#Nume piesaVersiune MelodieCompozitorTempoBPM
1DaffodilsMainBruce HallUp tempo174
2DaffodilsAlternateBruce HallUp tempo174
3Best FriendsMainBruce HallMedium tempo176
4Best FriendsAlternateBruce HallMedium tempo176
5Teddy BearsMainJamie TalbotUp tempo146
6Teddy BearsAlternateJamie TalbotUp tempo146
7Safe and SoundMainBruce HallDown tempo120
8Jig a LigMainBruce HallUp tempo130
9Bounce AroundMainLucy SimmondsMedium tempo128
10Bounce AroundAlternateLucy SimmondsMedium tempo128
11Making HayMainBruce HallUp tempo174
12Happy TogetherMainLucy SimmondsMedium tempo140
13Happy TogetherAlternateLucy SimmondsMedium tempo140
14Skipping GirlMainBruce HallUp tempo120
15Beautiful DreamsMainLucy SimmondsDown tempo133
16Beautiful DreamsAlternateLucy SimmondsDown tempo133
17One Small HopMainJode SteeleUp tempo135
18Smile ParadeMainBruce HallUp tempo124
19Happy in the ParkMainLucy SimmondsUp tempo145
20Happy in the ParkAlternateLucy SimmondsUp tempo145
21Daffodils30 Sec editBruce HallUp tempo174
22Daffodils30 Sec editBruce HallUp tempo174
23Best Friends30 Sec editBruce HallMedium tempo176
24Best Friends30 Sec editBruce HallMedium tempo176
25Teddy Bears30 Sec editJamie TalbotUp tempo146
26Teddy Bears30 Sec editJamie TalbotUp tempo146
27Safe and Sound30 Sec editBruce HallDown tempo120
28Jig a Lig30 Sec editBruce HallUp tempo130
29Bounce Around30 Sec editLucy SimmondsMedium tempo128
30Bounce Around30 Sec editLucy SimmondsMedium tempo128
31Making Hay30 Sec editBruce HallUp tempo174
32Happy Together30 Sec editLucy SimmondsMedium tempo140
33Happy Together30 Sec editLucy SimmondsMedium tempo140
34Skipping Girl30 Sec editBruce HallUp tempo120
35Beautiful Dreams30 Sec editLucy SimmondsDown tempo133
36Beautiful Dreams30 Sec editLucy SimmondsDown tempo133
37One Small Hop30 Sec editJode SteeleUp tempo135
38Smile Parade30 Sec editBruce HallUp tempo124
39Happy in the Park30 Sec editLucy SimmondsUp tempo145
40Happy in the Park30 Sec editLucy SimmondsUp tempo145
41DaffodilsStingBruce HallUp tempo174
42DaffodilsStingBruce HallUp tempo174
43Best FriendsStingBruce HallMedium tempo176
44Best FriendsStingBruce HallMedium tempo176
45Teddy BearsStingJamie TalbotUp tempo146
46Teddy BearsStingJamie TalbotUp tempo146
47Safe and SoundStingBruce HallDown tempo120
48Jig a LigStingBruce HallUp tempo130
49Bounce AroundStingLucy SimmondsMedium tempo128
50Bounce AroundStingLucy SimmondsMedium tempo128
51Making HayStingBruce HallUp tempo174
52Happy TogetherStingLucy SimmondsMedium tempo140
53Happy TogetherStingLucy SimmondsMedium tempo140
54Skipping GirlStingBruce HallUp tempo120
55Beautiful DreamsStingLucy SimmondsDown tempo133
56Beautiful DreamsStingLucy SimmondsDown tempo133
57One Small HopStingJode SteeleUp tempo135
58Smile ParadeStingBruce HallUp tempo124
59Happy in the ParkStingLucy SimmondsUp tempo145
60Happy in the ParkStingLucy SimmondsUp tempo145